(40 minutes allocated) (1615-1655)
To consider a report of Acting Director Inclusive Growth.
Councillor Waseem Zaffar to move the following Motion:-
"1. Approves the target date to achieve net zero carbon is set as 2030 for the City Council’s own operations excluding its existing housing stock and procurement;
2. Notes the challenge of achieving the 2030 net zero carbon date for the City as a whole but commits the Council to working with partners and neighbouring local authorities to become the first City Region to become Carbon neutral. The Council’s ambition remains to achieve a net zero carbon outcome as soon as possible and a revised date will not be set until these discussions have taken place.
3. Approves that an advisory group to Cabinet is established to oversee the City Council’s own progress on achieving net zero carbon.
4. Approves that the City Council endorse the Recommendations for reducing the City Council’s own emissions as set out in Table 2 of this report.
5. Notes the content of the Anthesis report and commits the City Council to work with partners to pursue the recommendations where practical and feasible, developing appropriate Action Plans for future Cabinet approval.
6. Notes that an annual report will be taken to Full Council to update on progress on reducing carbon emissions."