Forward Plans

This is the Forward Plan which gives advance notice of all the "key decisions" which the Executive is likely to take over the next 4-month period. The Plan is up-dated monthly.

Information about decisions to be taken during the current month can be obtained from Errol Wilson in the Committee Services Tel. 0121 675 0955 or e-mail:

The concept of a "key decision" is intended to capture the most important or significant decisions which the Executive will be responsible for making. Further information about the definition of "key decisions" can be found in the City Council's Constitution. In Birmingham, "key decisions" will be taken by the Cabinet at meetings which will be open to the press and public, only excluding the press and public in order to avoid the public disclosure of confidential or exempt information (as legally defined). Cabinet meets fortnightly.

Confidential or exempt Information: 

Where there is an intention to consider matters in private, i.e. information that is confidential or exempt, then 28 days clear notice must be given through inclusion on the “Notification of intention for Cabinet to consider matters in private”. 

This information is displayed via CMIS on the relevant Cabinet meeting date.

Any general questions or queries about the contents of this Forward Plan, or about the arrangements for taking key decisions, or confidential or exempt information should be raised with Errol Wilson. 

Forward Plans

Browse forward plans by year:

Current Forward Plans for the selected year: