Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Northfield District Committee Jul 2012 to Jun 2015 Date/Time: 27 Jun 2014 - TBC Status: Scheduled Venue: Venue not recorded Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents 0520774_3148342 - B6 - District Committee Functions (v4 - June 2014).pdf - Private 0520777_Constitution - Volume A (Article 10) Tracked.pdf - Private 0520780_code of conduct.pdf - Private 0520789_Microsoft Word - Northfield Comm Safety DC Report.pdf - Private 0520792_Microsoft Word - Local Delivery Structure Bham Comm Safety May 2014 App 1.pdf - Private 0520795_Microsoft Word - SoutH Bham Proposed LDG Plan 2014-16 App 2 DC.pdf - Private 0520798_Microsoft Word - Northfield Good News Appendix 3 May 2014.pdf - Private 0520801_HTB report 4 1 FINAL.pdf - Private 0520804_Microsoft Word - Northfield Performance Narrative 4th qtr.pdf - Private 0520807_Northfield_District_Outturn_201314_FINAL_AMENDED.pdf - Private 0520811_Budget report signature page.pdf - Private 0520814_Copy of Appendix_1_Savings_Proposals_ March 2014 DC.pdf - Private 0520817_Microsoft Word - Briefing Note-DC 27 June 2014.pdf - Private 0520820_Microsoft Word - Standing up for Birmingham Campaign themes and priorities ….pdf - Private 0520823_SU4B Update.ppt - Private 0520826_Microsoft Word - Final Agenda 27 June 2014.pdf - Private 0520867_code of conduct.pdf - Private 0520870_3148342 - B6 - District Committee Functions (v4 - June 2014).pdf - Private 0520873_Constitution - Volume A (Article 10) Tracked.pdf - Private 0520911_Microsoft Word - Standing up for Birmingham Campaign themes and priorities ….pdf - Private 0520914_SU4B Update.ppt - Private 0523921_Min_27062014_Northfield_District.pdf - Private Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending Apology No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. Absent NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting