0384248_Dates and Times of Mts 10-11.pdf
- Private
0384251_Agenda - 18102010.pdf
- Private
0384464_BES Phase 2 FBC - public.pdf
0384466_BES Phase 2 FBC public - Appendix 1 .pdf
0384468_BES Phase 2 - Draft Bus & Implementation Plan - public.pdf
0384474_BES Phase 2 FBC - private.pdf
0384476_BES Phase 2 FBC - Private - Appendix 1.pdf
0385422_Birmingham Energy Plan report.pdf
- Private
0385424_Birmingham Energy Plan Appendix.pdf
- Private
16331 Birmingham Energy Savers - Home Based Generation Programme (Phase 2) - Full.pdf
- Private
16332 Birmingham Energy Savers - Home Based Generation Programme (Phase 2) - Full.pdf
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