Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Transportation and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee June 2010 to May 2011 Date/Time: 25 Jan 2011 - TBC Status: Scheduled Venue: Venue not recorded Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents 0396186_1 Business Case - Birmingham City Centre Partnership 2010.pdf - Private 0396188_1A Terms of Reference - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396190_1B Action Plan 2010-2011 - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396192_1C Risks - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396194_1D EINA - Birmingham City Centre Partnership -2010.pdf - Private 0396196_2 Review - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396198_2A Action Plan 2009-2010 - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396204_2D Accounts - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396206_2C MARKETING PLAN - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396208_2B May and Reporting - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2010.pdf - Private 0396252_2D Accounts - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2008-09.pdf - Private 0396254_2D Accounts - Birmingham City Centre Partnership - 2007-08.pdf - Private 0396423_Transportation and Regeneration 6 month report to Scrutiny 2011.pdf - Private 0396541_Transportation & Regeneration Action Sheet for January 2011 cttee.pdf - Private 0396543_Trans & Regen O & S 25012011 - agenda.pdf - Private 0396998_WNF Exit Strategy and Future Employment and Skills Initiative.pdf - Private 0397000_Appendix WNF Exit Strategy and Future Employment and Skills Initiative.pdf - Private 0400209_Minutes Trans & Reg 25012011.pdf - Private Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending Apology No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. Absent NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting