0177058_Birmingham LAA - Exec Summary + Main Doct 17.03.06.pdf
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0177061_Birmingham LAA Background Paper 1 - Rationale and evidence 27.02.06.pdf
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0177066_Birmingham LAA Background Paper 2 - Organisation and engagement 27.02.06.pdf
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0177069_Birmingham LAA Background Paper 3 - Performance management 27.02.06.pdf
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0177072_Birmingham LAA Background Paper 4 - Matrix of Cross Cutting Issues 27.02.06.pdf
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0177075_Birmingham Local Area Agreement - Appendix 1 Outcomes + Targets 17.03.06.pdf
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0177078_Appendix 2 Funding 27.02.06 revised.pdf
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0177239_Agenda 03102006.pdf
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0177319_LAATerms of Reference.pdf
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0177322_LAA Work Programme.pdf
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0177376_Presentation 03102006.pdf
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0183127_Minutes 03102006.pdf
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