Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Cabinet Committee (Property) Nov 2005 to May 2012 Date/Time: 8 Mar 2012 - TBC Status: Scheduled Venue: Venue not recorded Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents 0439090_JQjointventureV1.pdf - Private 0439096_Sale of Land Spring Road - Private report.pdf 0439098_Sale of Land Spring Road - Report Public.pdf 0439100_EINA Sale of Land at Spring Road.pdf 0439102_springroad appendix 1.pdf 0439104_springroad appendix 2.pdf 0439168_Sutton Coldfield Offices - Public final.pdf - Private 0439170_suttoncouncilhouseccpplanpdf.pdf - Private 0439173_Sutton EINA.pdf - Private 0439219_Woodview Public report.pdf - Private 0439221_App1woodviewCCPlan.pdf - Private 0439223_Woodview PDD Appendix 2.pdf - Private 0439286_Heathway CCP March 2012 v7.pdf - Private 0439289_App A - Heathway EPH.pdf - Private 0439307_Jewellery Quarter JV public v10.pdf - Private 0439402_Res land sales prog - Public 170112.pdf 0439404_Res land sales prog - Private 150212.pdf 0439408_Appendix 1- Public 170112.pdf 0439411_Appendix 2 Public.pdf 0439413_Appendix 1- Private Res Land Sales 160212.pdf 0439649_Castle Bromwich Incinerator Bottom Ash - FBC report.pdf - Private 0439651_Castle Bromwich Incinerator Bottom Ash - FBC App2.pdf - Private 0439653_Castle Bromwich Incinerator Bottom Ash - FBC App3.pdf - Private 0439655_Castle Bromwich Incinerator Bottom Ash - FBC App4.pdf - Private 0439657_Castle Bromwich Incinerator Bottom Ash - FBC App5.pdf - Private 0439788_Castle Bromwich Incinerator Bottom Ash - FBC App1.pdf - Private 0439960_Agenda - Cab Cttee Property - 08032012 CPA.pdf - Private 0441124_Stirchley Community Hub - FBC.pdf - Private 0441126_Stirchley Community Hub - FBC App1.pdf - Private 0441527_IPL Acquisition public.pdf 0441529_IPL Aquisition private.pdf 0441531_IPL ACQ.pdf 0441533_SCHEDULE 2.pdf 18613 Castle Bromwich Incinerator Bottom Ash Upgrade of Plant - Full Business Cas.pdf - Private 18614 Surplus Declaration Heathway Elderly Persons Home.pdf - Private 18615 Central Administrative Buildings - Sutton Council Offices - Surplus Declara.pdf - Private 18616 Attwood Green Phase 2 - Community Centre Woodview.pdf - Private 18617 Jewellery Quarter Joint Venture Project.pdf - Private 18618 Disposal of Land at Spring Road, Tyseley, Acocks Green, Birmingham.pdf - Private 18620 Residential Land Sales Programme 2012-14.pdf - Private 18621 Full Business Case_Stirchley Community Hub.pdf - Private 18622 Residential Land Sales Programme 2012-14.pdf 18623 Icknield Port Loop Acquisitions.pdf 18624 Disposal of Land at Spring Road, Tyseley, Acocks Green, Birmingham.pdf 18625 Icknield Port Loop Acquisitions.pdf - Private Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending Apology No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. Absent NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting