0163339_Perry Barr fees and charges 0707.pdf
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0163344_Perry Barr App 1 0707.pdf
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0163351_Perry Barr fees and charges App2.pdf
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0163447_Elaines District committee report NAIS.pdf
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0163467_nm appendix 1 Terms of Reference.pdf
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0163473_nm appendix 2.pdf
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0163889_Neighbourhood Management Pilot Update.pdf
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0163981_Perry Barr District Agenda 20072006.pdf
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0163983_Perry Barr 2005-06 Outturn Report.pdf
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0163985_Perry Barr Outturn 2005-06 App2-3.pdf
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0164540_Youth provison Perrry Barr district july 06.pdf
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0164545_Perry barr District plan app2.pdf
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0172267_Perry Barr District Minutes 20072006.pdf
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