Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Selly Oak Constituency Committee Sep 06 - MAR 12 Date/Time: 28 Jun 2011 - TBC Status: Scheduled Venue: Venue not recorded Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents 0412915_Rules of Governance & Terms of Reference - Const.Cttee.pdf - Private 0412926_Selly Oak Neighbourhood Offices FOM.pdf - Private 0412933_Selly Oak Qtr 3.pdf - Private 0412935_Selly Oak Qtr 3 App 2.pdf - Private 0412937_Selly Oak Qtr 3 App 3.pdf - Private 0412946_Selly Oak Outturn Report 2010-11.pdf - Private 0412948_Selly Oak Outturn 2010-11 Appendices.pdf - Private 0412956_Selly_Oak_ 2011_ 12BudgetReport_FINAL.pdf - Private 0412958_Selly_Oak Appendix 2 Budget Pressures_1112_FINAL.pdf - Private 0412960_Selly_Oak Appendix 3 Budget Efficiencies_1112_FINAL.pdf - Private 0412962_Selly Oak Appendix 4 Objective Analysis_2011_12_FINAL.pdf - Private 0412964_Selly_Oak Appendix 5 Subjective Analysis_2011_12_FINAL.pdf - Private 0412966_Selly Oak Appendix 6 Employee Analysis_2011_12_FINALv2.pdf - Private 0412968_Appendix7_ Budget_Risk_Assessment.pdf - Private 0412981_Neigh Mgt Report - June 2011.pdf - Private 0412983_App 1 Stirchley, Hazelwell, Ten Acres.pdf - Private 0412985_App 2 Acorns, Langleys & Battery Park.pdf - Private 0412987_App 3 Allenscroft, Brandwood End & Waterside.pdf - Private 0412989_App 4 Billesley.pdf - Private 0412991_App 5 Neighbourhood Ext Funding.pdf - Private 0413003_Constituency Community Arts and Events Plan Report.Cttee June 2011.pdf - Private 0413005_Local Arts Plan Template 2011-12 FINAL.pdf - Private 0413029_Agenda SOCC 280611.pdf - Private 0416596_Minutes Selly Oak CC 280610.pdf 17471 Selly Oak Constituency Revenue Budget 2011_12.pdf - Private Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending Apology No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. Absent NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting