Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Jan 2004 to Mar 2010 Date/Time: 17 Feb 2010 - TBC Status: Scheduled Venue: Venue not recorded Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents 0355493_11 - Cover sheet for HEFT & 4hr A&E Access Target.pdf - Private 0355497_11a - Monitor Letter to C Wilkinson 290110.pdf - Private 0355503_11b - Briefing on Heart of England from Monitor.pdf - Private 0355507_11c - Response to Monitor Letter 210101 4 hour access programme.pdf - Private 0355517_11d - Monitor12JanuaryFinalVer2 (3).pdf - Private 0355529_Coversheet for Work Programme Document1.pdf - Private 0355532_10 - Work Programme Feb 2010.pdf - Private 0355560_12 - Coversheet for Correspondence.pdf - Private 0355567_12a - Response to Cllr Choudhry letter on death certificates 290110.pdf - Private 0355578_12b - Guidelines.pdf - Private 0355593_8 - Coversheet -Joint HOSC - Sandwell.pdf - Private 0355599_8a - Final minutes - 07012010.pdf - Private 0355615_4 -Coversheet - Infant Mortality - NST Visit Follow-up.pdf - Private 0355618_4 - Infant Mortality presentation.pdf - Private 0355671_11e 4Hr Performance Dashboard 2009-10.pdf - Private 0355706_4 - Infant mortality scrutiny report v1.4.pdf - Private 0355774_Agenda 17022010 Health O and S Doc.pdf - Private 0355831_6 - Cover sheet for Consultation on NHS Parking.pdf - Private 0355834_6 - DA response to DH re hosp car parking - Feb 2010.pdf - Private 0356029_7 - Cover sheet for Personality Disorders Service Review.pdf - Private 0356033_7a - PD_Consultation_SupplementaryInformation_Final.pdf - Private 0356035_7b - BSMHFT 100210 cllr alden.pdf - Private 0356037_7c - Main House Activity & Financial Analysis.pdf - Private 0356039_7d - Main House programmes.pdf - Private 0356041_7e - Final Draft Report WMSCG - SCPD 13 jan 2010.pdf - Private 0356052_5 - Coversheet - New QE Bham Hospital Development.pdf - Private 0356054_5 - New QEHB Report.pdf - Private 0356202_2010-02-02 - pres to joint osc - lnw.ppt - Private 0356305_4- IM Presentation For OSC 170210.pdf - Private 0356844_7 NHS BEN 050210 cllr alden.v2.pdf - Private 0356951_New QEHB overview and scrutiny.pdf - Private 0359652_Minutes 17022010 Health O and S.pdf - Private Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending Apology No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. Absent NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting