0147221_Fees & Charges 2006 Report v3.pdf
- Private
0147231_Payments to Foster Carers 2006-07 v2.pdf
- Private
0147234_Payments to Foster Carers 2006-07 Appendices v1.pdf
- Private
0147286_PRIVATE report - Family B - final draft 9.3.06 v3.pdf
0147297_PUBLIC report - Family B - final draft 9.3.06 v4.pdf
3740 2006 to 2007 Payments to Foster Carers.pdf
- Private
3742 Award of FInancial Assistance for Adoption.pdf
- Private
3743 Review of Charges for the Provision of Services and for Expenditure Allowan.pdf
- Private
3744 Award of FInancial Assistance for Adoption.pdf
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