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Report of Strategic Director, Place Prosperity & Sustainability

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Decision Scheduled
Perry Barr Residential Scheme - Disposal of Plot 9 report
Report of Strategic Director, Place Prosperity & Sustainability
Cabinet Committee – Property : 25/07/24
Approval for disposal route of Perry Barr Residential Scheme plot 9.

Key Decisions

The capital receipts generated will exceed £1m
Joint Cabinet Member Chief Officer Report approved 6 June 2019 - Perry Barr Regeneration Scheme Full Business Case. ; Report to Cabinet approved 11 February 2020 – Commonwealth Games – Athletes Village Update (Contracting of Plot 7); Report to Cabinet approved 17 March 2020 – Birmingham 2022 – Revised Perry Barr Regeneration Scheme FBC (RFBC); Report to Cabinet approved 21 July 2021 – Birmingham 2022 – Revised Perry Barr Regeneration Scheme FBC (RFBC)

Standard Contact Details

Mumtaz Mohammed

Department Details

Deputy Leader and Economy & Skills

Public Comments

Mumtaz Mohammed
Fri 28 Jun 2024

Decision Maker

Cabinet Committee – Property
3.Information relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person (including the authority holding that information).

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