View CMIS Forward Plan Item

Report of Strategic Director Place, Prosperity and Sustainability

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Decision Scheduled
Revision of terms of Head Lease for 10 Gough Street, Birmingham
Report of Strategic Director Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Approve; the revised terms, change of use & confirm financial premium.

Key Decisions

Above £1m capital
Cabinet report 2017

Standard Contact Details

Andrew Cox

Department Details

Deputy Leader and Economy & Skills

Public Comments

Andrew Cox
Write to: Andrew Cox Birmingham City Council, PO Box 16255, Birmingham, B2 2WT
Thu 15 Feb 2024

Decision Maker

Cabinet Committee – Property
Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) Paragraph 3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the council) 

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Report(s)

  1. pdf CCP Report Disposal of 10 Gough Street Lease & Freehold Sale (191Kb)
    1. pdf Appendix 1 Gough St Site Plan (372Kb)
    2. pdf Exempt Appendix 2 - Disposal of 10 Gough Street Lease Freehold FINAL - Private Report
    3. pdf Exempt Appendix 3 - AY Report (002) - Private Report
    4. pdf Exempt Appendix 4 - Heads of Terms - Private Report
    5. pdf Appendix 5 EIA000371_10 Gough Street Birmingham 19-02-2024 (512Kb)
    6. pdf Appendix 6 - Ward Councillor Consultations (53Kb)