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Report of Strategic Director Place, Prosperity and Sustainability

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Decision Scheduled
Smithfield Birmingham Application for Enterprise Zone Funding
Report of Strategic Director Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Cabinet : 23/07/24

    To delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place,Prosperity, and Sustainability, to apply for, and receive via a grant funding agreement, increased capital grant funding for the Smithfield Birmingham Development, to contribute towards the enabling, infrastructure and the Council’s staff, consultants, and site management costs.

      To delegate authority to vary the amount of EZ grant funding applied for or received by a maximum value of 5% of the total amount approved by Cabinet, to the Strategic Director of Place, Prosperity, and Sustainability.


Key Decisions

The report seeks to gain approval to apply and received an increased amount of Enterprise Zone capital funding more than £1m and will have a significant impact on the Bordesley and Highgate Ward and bring wider  benefits to the whole of the City.

1.    Big City Plan 2010

2.    Birmingham Development Plan (BDP)

3.    Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership EZ Investment Plan 2014

4.    Birmingham Smithfield Masterplan Cabinet Report  20 September 2016

5.    Birmingham Smithfield Masterplan September 2016

6.    Birmingham Smithfield Development Cabinet Report 18 October 2016

7.    Birmingham Smithfield Development Cabinet Report 25 Jul 2017

8. Birmingham Smithfield Development Partner       Contract Award 15 December 2020

Standard Contact Details

Simon Garrad

Department Details


Public Comments

Simon Garrad
Simon Garrad Birmingham City Council, PO Box 28, Birmingham, B2 2GL
Tue 7 May 2024

Decision Maker

Exempt information paragraph number 3 will apply and the report will contain commercial sensitive and confidential information of external Development Partner.

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