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A457 Dudley Road Improvement Revised Scheme Update Report
Include item on Forward Plan
Is Key Decision
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Acting Director Inclusive Growth
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 16 Mar 2021
To approve the Full Business Case, in readiness for a submission for funding and agree the delivery strategy
Key Portfolio
OLD - Transport and Environment
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision
Above £1m capital
Relevant Documents
Dudley Road Improvement PDD Cabinet Report Public, Dudley Road Additional Land Requirements Cabinet Report Public
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Inclusive Growth
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome

On 16 March 2021, Cabinet:-


  1. Approved the A457 Dudley Road Improvement Revised Scheme Design as a ‘shelf ready’ scheme at a total estimated capital cost of £29.935m, as shown on the scheme plan in Appendix D, to the report, noting that this is in line with the preferred option approved by Cabinet in the OBC for the Dudley Road Improvement Revised Scheme on 10th November 2020. It should be noted that the delivery of the Main Scheme Works will be subject to approval of a subsequent Full Business Case (FBC) when funding has been identified and secured as per decision (iii) below;


  2. Approved further work to update the Major Scheme Business Case (MSBC) to reflect the Revised Scheme for submission to the Department for Transport (DfT) to seek funding to enable delivery of the Main Scheme Works;

  3. Subject to approval of the MSBC and a successful funding bid to DfT, delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Transport and Connectivity and the Interim Chief Finance Officer to accept DfT grant funding and to enter into the associated Funding Agreement, subject to the final terms and conditions being acceptable;


  4. Approved the award of a contract by direct award using the Crown Commercial Services Project Management and Design Services to Aecom Ltd for the provision of the professional services for the development of the structural bridge designs for the scheme and for the completion of the scheme;


  5. Noted, as approved by Cabinet in the Outline Business Case for the Dudley Road Improvement Revised Scheme on 10th November 2020, authorisation be given to the Assistant Director Property Services to negotiate and complete the acquisition (and disposal if required) of any remaining interests in 2021 at an estimated cost of £0.600m funded from the remaining approved budget for scheme development as per the OBC, to facilitate the building of the new highway including easements and drainage in the adjoining land connected to the scheme, in advance of and alongside the confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order and to agree costs and compensation relating to the Compulsory Purchase Order;


  6. Approved the appropriation and change of function from housing under the Housing Act 1985 to highways under the Highways Act 1980 of 631.8 m2 of land held within the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund as a one off capital sum value of £8, 828, and the transfer of circa 2,853m2 of Public Open Space from the Neighbourhoods Directorate to the Highways division within the Inclusive Growth Directorate as a one off capital sum to a value of £39,942, as shown on the drawings numbered CA-02715_S1_083, 084 and 085 RevA Land appropriation in Appendix F to the report, subject to the Council being satisfied that the land is no longer required for its current functions, with the overall market value of £48,770, subject to the procedure at (v) above having been followed;


  7. Authorised the Assistant Director of Transport and Connectivity to complete the transfer of land and dedicate as Highway Maintainable at Public Expense (HMPE) to facilitate the building of the new carriageway, footway including easements and drainage in the adjoining land connected to the scheme, and authorise the City Solicitor to complete such acquisition and disposal or easement and seal any documents in connection therewith;


  8. Authorised the Assistant Director of Property Services to pay statutory home loss, basic loss and negotiate disturbance compensation to all qualifying owners and tenants;


  9. Delegated authority to the City Solicitor to carry out any necessary modifications required by the Department for Transport to modify the Side Roads Order made on the 12th September 2019 and the existing Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) made on 4th November 2019;

  10. Approved the making of a new CPO in principle under sections 239, 240 and 250 of the Highways Act 1980 in respect of the additional land required for the revised scheme shown on drawings in Appendix D to the report and any related Side Road Order if required to support negotiations to acquire by agreement and allow implementation of the revised scheme;

  11. Authorised the Acting City Solicitor (or their delegate) to complete all relevant documents necessary to give effect to the above decisions.


Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
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Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

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Ladywood; North Edgbaston; Soho & Jewellery Quarter


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Overview and Scrutiny

Sustainability and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 15.
17/12/2020 17:21:37Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
17/12/2020 17:21:37Janet HinksCommittee AddedCabinet
17/12/2020 17:21:37Janet HinksMeeting Added16/03/2021 10:00AM
17/12/2020 17:22:27Janet HinksWard AddedLadywood
17/12/2020 17:22:27Janet HinksWard AddedNorth Edgbaston
17/12/2020 17:22:27Janet HinksWard AddedSoho & Jewellery Quarter
17/12/2020 17:23:41Janet HinksStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
17/12/2020 17:24:21Janet HinksOS Committee AddedSustainability and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee
17/12/2020 17:25:17Janet HinksContacts Edited 
17/12/2020 17:27:38Janet HinksConsultation/Comments Edited 


No history found.