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Financial Outturn 2020/2021
Include item on Forward Plan/ Key Decision
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of the Interim Director of Council Management.
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 29 Jun 2021
Outturn position for 2020/21 on the Revenue, Capital and Treasury Management
Key Portfolio
------ N/A ------
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision

Revenue in excess of £500K

Capital in excess of £1m
Relevant Documents
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome

On 29 June 2021, Cabinet:-

(i)       Noted the City Council’s Outturn position for 2020/21, as detailed in the report and appendix (the finalisation of the figures is subject to External Audit);

(ii)      Approved the transfer of £8.2m of the £78.7m revenue underspend to the Delivery Plan Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.19 of the report;

(iii)     Approved the transfer of £12.1m of the revenue underspend to the City Clean Up Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.13 of the report;

(iv)     Approved the transfer of £2.0m of the revenue underspend to the Major Events Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.12 of the report;

(v)      Approved the transfer of £5.5m of the revenue underspend to the General Policy Contingency Reserve and the increase of £5.5m in the General Policy Contingency Budget in 2021/22 by approving the release of this amount from the reserve as set out in paragraph 4.14 of the report;

(vi)     Approved the transfer of £10.0m of the revenue underspend to Community Recovery Plan Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.15 of the report;

(vii)    Approved the transfer of £36.4m of the revenue underspend to the Budget Smoothing Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.16 of the report;

(viii)    Approved the transfer of £2.5m of the revenue underspend to the Council House Refurbishment Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.17 of the report;

(ix)         Approved the transfer of £2.0m of the revenue underspend to a SEND Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.18 of the report;

(x)      Approved the transfer of £17.5m to the Covid Reserve, as set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report;

(xi)         Approved the other uses of and contributions to Grant and Earmarked Reserves and Balances set out in paragraphs 4.20 of the report;

(xii)        Noted the reallocation from the Financial Resilience Reserve (FRR) to General Fund Reserve as agreed by Cabinet on 10 November 2020 as set out in Appendix A paragraph 4.21 of the report;

(xiii)      Noted the transfer to the Delivery Plan Reserve of the balances on the Invest to Save Reserve and the Capital Fund Reserve as set out in paragraph 4.22 of the report;

(xiv)      Approved the further transfer to the Delivery Plan Reserve from earmarked Policy Contingency Reserve as set out in paragraph 4.23 of the report;

(xv)       Approved the use of £1.8m of the Delivery Plan Programme Management Reserve in 2021/22 that is proposed to be carried forwards from 2020/21 as set out in paragraph 4.24 of the report:

(xvi)       Approved the use of £15.5m of Improved Better Care Fund (IBCF) Reserves in 2021/22 that are proposed to be carried forwards from 2020/21 as set out in paragraph 4.25 of the report;

(xvii)      Approved the use of £12.1m of City Clean Up Reserves in 2021/22 that are proposed to be carried forwards from 2020/21 as set out in paragraph 4.26 of the report;

(xviii)    Approved the use of £2.5m of Council House Refurbishment Reserve in 2021/22 that are proposed to be carried forwards from 2020/21 as set out in paragraph 4.27 of the report.

(xix)       Noted the resource allocations with Specific and General Policy Contingency as set out in paragraph 4.28 of the report;

(xx)        Approved the use of £0.4m of General Policy Contingency in 2021/22 to fund improvements in Home to School Transport, as set out in paragraph 4.29 of the report;

(xxi)       Approved the financing of capital expenditure for 2020/21 as set out in Appendix A Annex B of the report;

(xxii)      Approved the delegation of authority to the Director of Council Management to approve additional equity investments to InReach (Birmingham) Limited as set out in paragraph 4.30 of the report;

(xxiii)    Approved additional investment to the HRA Housing Improvement Programme in 2021/22 as set out in paragraph 4.31 of the report;

(xxiv)    Noted the Treasury Management Annual Report as set out in Appendix A Annex C of the report;

(xxv)     Noted the Housing Revenue Account outturn position as set out in Appendix A Annex D of the report;

(xxvi)    Noted the outturn position on the Collection Fund as set out in Appendix A Annex E of the report.


Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
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Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
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Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 19.
03/02/2021 14:43:45Jing Wang Business Item Created 
03/02/2021 14:43:45Jing Wang Committee AddedCabinet
03/02/2021 14:43:45Jing Wang Meeting Added18/05/2021 10:00AM
03/02/2021 14:44:34Jing Wang Status ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
03/02/2021 14:45:07Jing Wang Status ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
03/02/2021 14:53:31Jing Wang General Details Edited 
22/02/2021 09:38:03Errol WilsonGeneral Details Edited 
10/03/2021 14:58:59Errol WilsonGeneral Details Edited 
06/04/2021 10:52:18Errol WilsonGeneral Details Edited 
06/04/2021 10:52:42Errol WilsonMeeting Added29/06/2021 10:00AM


No history found.