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A457 Dudley Road Improvement Revised Scheme Outline Business Case
Include item on Forward Plan/ Key Decision
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Acting Director Inclusive Growth
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 10 Nov 2020
To approve the Outline Business Case, release funds to develop the Project to FBC and agree the delivery strategy.
Key Portfolio
OLD - Transport and Environment
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision

over £1m capital

Relevant Documents
Dudley Road Improvement PDD Cabinet Report, Dudley Road Additional Land Requirements Cabinet Report
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Inclusive Growth
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome

On 10 November 2020, Cabinet:-

(i)        Approved the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the A457 Revised Dudley Road Improvement Scheme at a total estimated capital cost of £29.935m, as detailed in Appendix A and shown on the scheme plan in Appendix D of the report, noting that this will replace the preferred option approved by Cabinet in the Project Definition Document (PDD) for the Dudley Road Improvement Scheme on 26 June 2018, at a total estimated capital cost of £29.464m;

(ii)       Noted the Revised scheme is split into 3 elements:

           -     Development of Shelf Ready Scheme (including previous years expenditure) - £6.494m;

           -    Delivery of the Western Road Junction as Phase 1 Advanced Works - £3.405m – subject to agreement between the City Council and the Soho Loop Developer;

           -    Delivery of the Main Scheme - £20.036m.

(iii)      Authorised the Assistant Director Transport and Connectivity to proceed with the public consultation for the revised scheme;

(iv)      Noted that to date £6.494m of funding has been confirmed, £5.043m Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) Local Growth Fund (LGF) subject to acceptance, £0.500m DfT, £0.942m Council Prudential Borrowing and £0.009m Integrated Transport Block approved through the Dudley Road Improvement Scheme Cabinet report on 26 June 2018. Progression of Western Road Junction Phase 1 Advance Works at a cost of £3.405m and the Main Scheme at a cost of £20.036m will be subject to approval of separate Full Business Cases (FBCs) and identification and approval of additional resources to address the funding gap;

(v)       Delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Transport and Connectivity in conjunction with the Interim Chief Finance Officer to submit bids for additional resources as identified to address the current estimated funding gap of £23.441m Page 5 of 19 (£3.405m relating to Weston Road Junction Phase 1 Advanced Works and £20.036m for the Main Scheme);

(vi)      Delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Transport and Connectivity to accept £5.043m LGF from the GBSLEP and to enter into the associated Funding Agreement to facilitate development and land acquisition, subject to the final terms and conditions being acceptable;

(vii)     Subject to formal acceptance of grant funding and the associated Funding Agreement as detailed in (vi) above, approved the release of £5.043m of GBSLEP funding to cover estimated costs detailed below to progress the scheme to the required stage, in line with Funding Agreement: 2.5.1 Development, demolition, remediation, further investigative surveys, and advanced utilities work as appropriate, (£2.026m); 2.5.2 Acquisition (and disposal if required) of interest to facilitate the development of the scheme, (£3.017m);

(viii)     Authorised the Assistant Director, Transport and Connectivity to progress the development of detailed design up to the value detailed in Exempt Appendix E, noting that this will be delivered under the existing design contract awarded through the Council’s Highways and Infrastructure Works Framework Contract as part of the original scheme approvals;

(ix)      Noted that the Western Road Junction was included within the original PDD and should the anticipated opportunity arise to bring forward the scheme as Phase 1 Advance Works, (subject to securing a Developer Contribution and approval of the FBC) the award of the design and works contract is covered by the Cabinet approval dated 26 June 2018;

(x)       Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Property to negotiate and complete the acquisition (and disposal if required) of any interest to facilitate the building of the improved highway including easements and drainage in the adjoining land connected to the revised scheme, in advance of any Compulsory Purchase Order and to agree costs and compensation, subject to costs being within available funding;

(xi)      Authorised the City Solicitor to complete such acquisitions and any necessary related agreements, disposals or easements and seal any documents in connection therewith. To pay statutory home loss, basic loss and negotiate disturbance compensation to all qualifying owners and tenants;

(xii)     In the event that a new Side Roads Order and Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) is required for the entirety of the revised scheme, delegated authority to the City Solicitor to withdraw the Side Roads Order made on the 12 September 2019 and the existing CPO made on 4 November 2019 and approved the making of a new Sides Roads Order under Sections 14 and 125 of the Highway Act 1980 and a new Compulsory Purchase Order under Sections 239, 240 and 250 of the Highways Act 1980, in principle, in respect of the land edged black shown on Page 6 of 19 drawing CA_02715_S1_025 RevA in Appendix F to support negotiations to acquire by agreement and allow implementation of the revised scheme;

(xiii)    If there is no need to withdraw the existing CPO, approved the making of a new CPO in principle under Sections 239, 240 and 250 of the Highways Act 1989 in respect of the additional land required for the revised scheme shown on drawings in Appendix F and any related Side Road Order to support negotiations to acquire by agreement and allow implementation of the revised scheme;

(xiv)    In relation to (xii) and (xiii), noted that the main scheme FBC will seek full authority to the making of a CPO and any related Side Road Orders, if voluntary negotiations to acquire the sites are not successful;

(xv)     Approved the strategy and commencement of the procurement activities for the demolition and remediation of the MOT garage and various adjacent retail properties as detailed in Appendix G subject to the successful completion of the Voluntary Land Purchases;

(xvi)    Delegated authority to award the contract for demolition and remediation of the MOT garage and various adjacent retail properties to the Acting Director, Inclusive Growth, the Assistant Director, Development and Commercial (or their delegate), the Interim Chief Finance Officer (or their delegate) and the Acting City Solicitor (or their delegate) in order to progress the scheme;

(xvii)   Authorised the City Solicitor to progress an agreement with the Canal and River Trust for a deed of indemnity to enable widening over the Lee Bridge to be implemented as part of the revised scheme and noted that authority to enter into the Deed of Indemnity, once a full risk assessment of liability, responsibility and costs has been undertaken, will be sought within the main scheme FBC. Further details are provided in Appendix H;

(xviii)  Authorised the City Solicitor to advertise the loss of Public Open Space within the area shown edged black on the plan at Appendix F in accordance with Section122(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972;

(xix)    Authorised the City Solicitor (or their delegate) to negotiate, execute, seal, take any necessary action, and complete all necessary documentation including land referencing to give effect to the above recommendations.


Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is Decision County Wide:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Ladywood; North Edgbaston; Soho & Jewellery Quarter


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Sustainability and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.


  1. pdf Dudley Road report (401Kb)
    1. pdf Dudley Road Appendix A (492Kb)
    2. pdf Dudley Road Appendix B (54Kb)
    3. pdf Dudley Road Appendix C (356Kb)
    4. pdf Dudley Road Appendix D (6165Kb)
    5. pdf Dudley Road Exempt Appendix E - Private Report
    6. pdf Dudley Road Appendix F (735Kb)
    7. pdf Dudley Road Appendix G (159Kb)
    8. pdf Dudley Road Appendix H (1569Kb)

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 20.
11/08/2020 10:50:43Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
11/08/2020 10:50:43Janet HinksCommittee AddedCabinet
11/08/2020 10:50:43Janet HinksMeeting Added13/10/2020 10:00AM
11/08/2020 10:52:30Janet HinksWard AddedLadywood
11/08/2020 10:52:30Janet HinksWard AddedNorth Edgbaston
11/08/2020 10:52:30Janet HinksWard AddedSoho & Jewellery Quarter
11/08/2020 10:53:04Janet HinksStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
11/08/2020 10:54:17Janet HinksOS Committee AddedSustainability and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee
11/08/2020 10:58:10Janet HinksContacts Edited 
11/08/2020 10:58:58Janet HinksStatus ChangedPending [0]


No history found.