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Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 - Package 2: Kings Heath and Moseley Places for People Outline Business Case
Include item on Forward Plan
Is Key Decision
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Strategic Director of Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 17 Jan 2023
To seek approval to the Full Business Case for the Kings Heath and Moseley Places for People scheme within the Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 programme.
Key Portfolio
OLD - Transport
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision
Significant impact on more than one ward
Relevant Documents

Emergency Active Travel Fund – Tranche 2’, Report to Cabinet, 8th September 2020.

‘Transportation and Highways Capital Programme 2021/22 to 2026/27 – Annual Programme Update’, Report to Cabinet, 9th February 2021.

Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Other Information
Additional Portfolio Finance and Resources
Private Reason
Decision Outcome

On 17 January 2023, Cabinet:-


(i) Approved the Outline Business Case for the second phase of the Kings Heath and Moseley Places for People (PfP) scheme at a total estimated cost of £2.564m, funded by the Active Travel Fund Tranches 2 and 3, Road Safety Budget, School Streets Budget, Local Network Improvement Plan (LNIP), HS2 MSQW and Clean Air Zone Fund. The concept scheme is (subject to detailed design) shown in Appendix A to the report and on the scheme plan in Appendix F to the report;


(ii) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Transport and Connectivity in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the Full Business Case for the main scheme (construction, preliminaries and optimism bias across entire scheme at an estimated cost of £2.085m);


(iii) Noted that the Full Business Case for the associated 20mph speed limits (construction estimated at £0.097m), Bus Gate (Bus Lane Enforcement) scheme (construction estimated at £0.097m) and traffic calming scheme on Billesley Lane (construction estimated at £0.185m) will be subject to separate approvals through existing delegations;


(iv) Noted that design fees of £0.100m required to develop the scheme to Full Business Case have been approved separately. A further £0.060m is now being sought to ensure completion of both preliminary and detailed design;


(v) Noted that the scheme is to be delivered via a permanent Traffic Regulation Order subject to the usual statutory process;


(vi) Approved the procurement strategy and commencement of tendering activities for the works using the Black Country Framework Contract for Minor Works 2021- 2024 and delegates authority to the Strategic Director, Place, Prosperity and Sustainability in conjunction with Assistant Director, Procurement, the Strategic Director, Council Management and the City Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (or their delegates) to award contracts, subject to the works cost being within the approved budget;


(vii) Authorised the City Solicitor & Monitoring Officer to negotiate, execute, seal and complete all necessary documentation to give effect to the above recommendations.




On 23 January 2023 at 1033 hours, a request for call-in was submitted by Councillors Adam Higgs and Meirion Jenkins.  No action on the decision can be taken until the request for call-in has been considered by the Sustainability and Transport O&S Committee within 15 days of the decision being posted.

Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Brandwood & Kings Heath; Moseley


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Sustainability and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.


  1. pdf ATF rep (210Kb)
    1. pdf AppA (230Kb)
    2. pdf App B (945Kb)
    3. pdf App C (72Kb)
    4. pdf App D (30Kb)
    5. pdf App E (1099Kb)
    6. pdf App F (359Kb)
    7. pdf App G (803Kb)
    8. pdf App H (166Kb)

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 5, items 1 to 10 of 46.
23/09/2021 12:43:24Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
23/09/2021 12:43:24Janet HinksCommittee AddedCabinet
23/09/2021 12:43:24Janet HinksMeeting Added18/01/2022 10:00AM
23/09/2021 12:44:38Janet HinksWard AddedBrandwood & Kings Heath
23/09/2021 12:44:39Janet HinksWard AddedMoseley
23/09/2021 12:45:33Janet HinksOS Committee AddedResources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
23/09/2021 12:45:33Janet HinksOS Committee AddedSustainability and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee
23/09/2021 12:46:47Janet HinksContacts Edited 
23/09/2021 12:55:17Janet HinksConsultation/Comments Edited 
23/09/2021 12:55:51Janet HinksStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]


No history found.