On 17 December Cabinet:-
(i) Approved
the proposed litigation strategy set out in exempt appendix A of the report and
authorised the expenditure required to deliver that strategy;
(ii) Approved
the proposed mitigation strategy set out in exempt appendix B of the report and
authorised the expenditure required to deliver that strategy;
(iii) Delegated
authority to the Managing Director to negotiate, agree and enter all necessary
documentation to execute the litigation and mitigation strategies, in
consultation with the Leader of the Council, the City Solicitor and Monitoring
Officer, the Director of People Services, and the Chief Finance Officer and
S151 Officer;
(iv) Noted
that Paul Epstein KC and Louise Chudleigh of Counsel have advised on the Value
for Money/commerciality of the proposed litigation and mitigation strategies
and the proposed settlement sums, and that the Interim City Solicitor and
Monitoring Officer and the Interim Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer have
given assurances that the litigation and mitigation strategies are necessary,
proportionate, and affordable; and
(v) Noted
that the litigation and mitigation strategies form part of the wider Equal Pay
Programme, which is designed to bring an end to the Council’s equal pay issues
(a) Implementing a new pay and grading scheme;
(b) Ending irregular working practices;
(c) Introducing a new employment contract; and
(d) Resolving and mitigating any historic potential equal pay
liabilities; and
(vi) Noted
and agreed the Commissioner Direction on the funding mechanism.