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PURE: Placing Vulnerable Adult Residents into Employment and Training
Include item on Forward Plan
Is Key Decision
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Corporate Director for Adult Social Care & Health
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 13 Nov 2018
To seek Cabinet approval to accept ESF grant funding of £6,000,000 (potentially to increase to £6.5m dependent on successful application to extend) from DWP to support delivery of the PURE project. To seek Cabinet approval for the Council to act as the Accountable Body for the PURE project. The funding is matched to the existing housing related support contracts. To seek Cabinet approval for the proposed Full Business Case for the PURE project
Key Portfolio
Health and Social Care
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision
Revenue in excess of £500k and significant effect on communities in two or more wards
Relevant Documents
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Adult Social Care & Health
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome

On 13 November 2018, Cabinet:-


  1. Approved the Full Business Case (FBC) (at Appendix 1 to the report) for the PURE (Placing Vulnerable Urban Residents Into Employment and Training) project, which will provide support to vulnerable Birmingham citizens into employment at a cost of up to £12m initially from 1st January 2019 to 16th June 2020, but potentially extended to 31st December 2021, subject to Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) approval;



  2. Approved the City Council acting as the Accountable Body for the PURE project and accepted the offer of ESF revenue grant from DWP of up to £6m (attached at Appendix 3 to the report), which is being matched against an equivalent amount of City Council revenue main programme budgets in the Adult Social Care and Health Directorate;


  3. Noted that existing European Commission compliant Social Inclusion contracts are due to expire on 30th November 2019 and these will be reprocured as part of wider Housing Related Support contracts during this period, which will be subject to a separate Cabinet report. Existing contracts for Disability and Mental Health support will be extended to their full duration of up to 30th June 2021, under existing delegated authority to the Corporate Director, Finance and Governance, and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources and implemented jointly with the Corporate Director, Adult Social Care and Health, by which time they will have been re-procured separately from the Social Inclusion contracts;


  4. Agreed to delegate to the Corporate Director, Adult Social Care and Health, the defrayal of expenditure consistent with the delivery of the PURE project using existing and new procurement contracts to be re- commissioned during this project period;


  5. Agreed to delegate to the Corporate Director, Adult Social Care and Health the submission of a Project Change Request (PCR) to DWP to extend the project to 31st December 2021 and to request an additional £0.5m ESF grant subject to the City Council providing an additional £0.5m of revenue match-funding funded from Adult Social Care & Heath Directorate revenue budgets;


  6. Authorised the City Solicitor to negotiate, execute and complete all necessary documents to give effect to the above decisions.



19 NOVEMEBR 2018.

Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

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Acocks Green; Allens Cross; Alum Rock; Aston; Balsall Heath West; Bartley Green; Billesley; Birchfield; Bordesely & Highgate; Bordesely Green; Bournbrook & Selly Park; Bournville & Cotteridge; Brandwood & Kings Heath; Bromford & Hodge Hill; Castle Vale; Druids Heath & Monyhull; Edgbaston; Erdington; Frankley Great Park; Garretts Green; Glebe Farm & Tile Cross; Gravelly Hill; Hall Green North; Hall Green South; Handsworth; Handsworth Wood; Harborne; Heartlands; Highter's Heath; Holyhead; Kings Norton North; Kings Norton South; Kingstanding; Ladywood; Longbridge & West Heath; Lozells; Moseley; Nechells; Newtown; North Edgbaston; Northfield; Oscott; Perry Barr; Perry Common; Pype Hayes; Quinton; Rubery & Rednall; Shard End; Sheldon; Small Heath; Soho & Jewellery Quarter; South Yardley; Sparkbrook & Balsall Heath East; Sparkhill; Stirchley; Stockland Green; Sutton Four Oaks; Sutton Mere Green; Sutton Reddicap; Sutton Roughley; Sutton Trinity; Sutton Vesey; Sutton Walmley & Minworth; Sutton Wylde Green; Tyseley & Hay Mills; Ward End; Weoley & Selly Oak; Yardley East; Yardley West & Stechford


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Housing and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 11, items 1 to 10 of 104.
28/06/2018 15:11:15Tony Lloyd Business Item Created 
28/06/2018 15:11:15Tony Lloyd Committee AddedCabinet
28/06/2018 15:11:15Tony Lloyd Meeting Added21/08/2018 10:00AM
28/06/2018 15:11:15Tony Lloyd OS Committee AddedHealth and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee
28/06/2018 15:11:15Tony Lloyd OS Committee AddedHousing and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee
28/06/2018 15:11:15Tony Lloyd OS Committee AddedResources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
28/06/2018 15:11:26Tony Lloyd Status ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
28/06/2018 15:11:51Tony Lloyd Ward AddedAcocks Green
28/06/2018 15:11:51Tony Lloyd Ward AddedAllens Cross
28/06/2018 15:11:51Tony Lloyd Ward AddedAlum Rock


No history found.