Prior to consideration of this report, it was noted that Cabinet Members had been given a dispensation by the Chairman of the Standards Committee to discuss and vote on reports relating to a Waste Management - Industrial Action Update for 3 months beginning on 12 February 2019. The pecuniary interest related to a contribution by a Trades Union to election funding of the Labour Group.
On 8 March 2019, Cabinet:
i) Noted the contents of the Public report and the Private report;
ii) Noted the outcome of the Council's Injunction application;
iii) Noted that as a result of recent ACAS talks and pending a Cabinet decision on the outcome of those talks both Unite and Unison have suspended industrial action for Friday 8th March;
iv) Noted the proposed Heads of Terms with Unite in the Private Report;
v) Agreed to call a further special Cabinet meeting on 15th March 2019;
vi) Agreed to delegate to the Chief Finance Officer and City Solicitor to consult with the District Auditor on the Heads of Terms prior to approval by Cabinet decision;
vii) Agreed that the corporate trade unions will be consulted on the matters set out in the proposed Heads of Terms that impact on their members;
viii) Agreed to establish an independent review on future options for delivering the waste service and that draft terms of reference be brought to Cabinet for approval on 26 March 2019.