On 23 July 2024, Cabinet:-
7a – Street Scene Transformation Programme
(i) Approved the Full Business Case in Appendix B to the report and associated procurement strategy in Appendix A to the report to purchase 120 Refuse Collection and Recycling Vehicles at a total Capital cost of £26.786m;
(ii) Delegated authority to the Strategic Director, City Operations, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment and Interim Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), the Interim City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer and Interim Director of Commercial and Procurement to approve the award of contracts following the procurement exercise;
(iii) Noted that the annual approach to fleet replacement will be considered as part of the 2025/6 budget process;
(iv) Approved the reallocation of £2.607m within the existing 2024/5 Capital programme from the £9.350m allocated to waste management depots to be used for the purchase of vehicles.
7b – Waste Collection Service IT Software – Procurement
(i) Approved the Full Business Case in Appendix B to the report and associated procurement strategy in Appendix A to the report to purchase an updated IT system for use in refuse collection and disposal at a total cost of £0.310m including contingency;
(ii) Delegated authority to the Strategic Director, City Operations, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment and Interim Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), the Interim City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer and Interim Director of Commercial and Procurement to approve the award of contracts following the procurement exercises;
(iii) Approved the reallocation of £0.310m within the existing 2024/5 Capital programme from the £9.350m allocated to waste management depots to purchase a replacement IT system;
(iv) Noted that the funding gap of £0.082m for IT licences as per the business case in Appendix B to the report is to be financed from full year impact of redesign recycling waste collection rounds (ref 240) in 2025/6.
7c – Procurement of Food Waste Vehicles and Containers
(i) Approved the Full Business Case in Appendix C to the report and associated procurement strategy in Appendices A and B to the report to purchase food waste collection vehicles, food waste containers and caddies and communal food waste bins for flats to facilitate the implementation of weekly food waste collections at a total Capital cost of £6.825m as funded through DEFRA grant;
(ii) Delegated authority to the Strategic Director, City Operations, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment and Interim Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), the Interim City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer and Interim Director of Commercial and Procurement to approve the award of contracts following the procurement exercises;
(iii) Noted revenue costs of £5.595m on a full year effect basis from 2026/7 (£4.196m for 2025/6) for weekly food waste collections as set out in the business case in Appendix C to the report. The Council is awaiting confirmation of the value of the DEFRA grant to finance transitional and ongoing revenue requirements.