On 16 April 2019, Cabinet:-
(i) Approved the commissioning strategy outlined in section 4 of the report and commencement of the procurement strategy detailed in Appendix 1 of this report;
(ii) Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Adults Social Care in conjunction with the Chief Finance Officer, City Solicitor and the Assistant Director of Development and Commercial (or their delegates) following the procurement process to award contracts for Vulnerable Adults Housing and Wellbeing (excluding Universal Prevention see (v) services in 2 tranches for a period of three years commencing between 1st December 2019 and 1st February 2020 respectively;
(iii) Agreed to delegate authority to the Cabinet Members for Health and Social Care, Finance and Resources jointly with the Director of Adults Social Care, in conjunction with the Chief Finance Officer, City Solicitor and the Assistant Director of Development and Commercial (or their delegates) to extend the contracts awarded in (ii) for up to a period of 2 years, subject to funding availability and satisfactory performance;
(iv) Agreed to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care and Finance and Resources jointly with the Director of Adults Social Care to extend the Housing and Welfare Support service for a period of 8 months until 30th November 2019 for the value of £193k subject to performance and budget availability in order to allow the recommissioning of the new services set out within the report;
(v) Agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Commissioning (Adults Social Care) in conjunction with relevant Finance, Legal and Procurement officers to update the procurement strategy for Targeted, Crisis and Transition Support as required in response to the outcomes of the tendering process, market consultation and/or commissioning developments with partners, where this is in the Council’s benefit and within the approved budget;
(vi) Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Adults Social Care in conjunction with the Chief Finance Officer, City Solicitor and the Assistant Director of Development and Commercial (or their delegates) to approve the procurement strategy and award the contract for an online service for Universal Prevention, see report paragraph, subject to the outcome of a successful market investigation exercise and available funding;
(vii) Authorised the City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to negotiate, execute and complete all necessary documents to give effect to the above decisions.