On 23 July 2024, Cabinet:-
(i) Approved both the Commissioning Strategy (Appendix 9.1 to the report) and the Procurement Strategy (Appendix 9.2 to the report);
(ii) Delegated authority to the Acting and/or the Strategic Director of Adult Social Care in consultation with the Interim Director of Commercial and Procurement (or their delegate), - Interim Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer (or their delegate), and the Interim City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer (or their delegate) to award the contract following completion of the procurement process. The estimated total value of the ten-year contract, based on an annual uplift of 3.0% and including 2% for growth year on year is £95M excluding VAT;
(iii) Delegated authority to the Acting and/or the Strategic Director of Adult Social Care in consultation with the Interim Director of Commercial and Procurement Assistant (or their delegate), and the Interim Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer (or their delegate), and the Interim City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer (or their delegate) to extend the initial five year contract for a period of a further five years subject to the required performance measures being achieved and appropriate funding/budget being available. A review at Year 3 of the contract will be undertaken to inform this decision as a contract extension review will be undertaken in Year 5;
(iv) Delegated authority to the Acting and/or the Strategic Director of Adult Social Care in consultation with the Interim Director of Commercial and Procurement Assistant (or their delegate), - Interim Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer (or their delegate), and the Interim City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer (or their delegate) to approve the contract enhancements as identified in section 4.10 up to the value of £67M – excluding VAT and inflationary uplifts;
(v) Authorised the Interim City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer (or their delegate) to execute and complete all necessary legal documents to give effect to the above recommendations.