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Dudley Road Improvement - Project Definition Document
Include item on Forward Plan/ Key Decision
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Corporate Director, Economy
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 26 Jun 2018
To seek approval to progress the Full Business Case and secure recommendations to progress the Compulsory Purchase Order
Key Portfolio
OLD - Transport and Environment
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
------ N/A ------
Reason For Key Decision
more than £1m capital
Relevant Documents
Capital Programme Report
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome
On 26 June 2018, Cabinet:- (i) Approved the Project Definition Document and the Preferred Option for the Dudley Road Improvement Scheme detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, based on the estimated total capital cost of £29.464m and to progress the project to detailed design, consultation and Full Business Case; (ii) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director - Transportation and Connectivity to procure, appoint and place orders with a Design and Build Contractor to carry out Early Contractor Involvement, design development, construction planning and detailed design; (iii) Authorised the submission of the funding bid to the DfT’s Major Transport Schemes Portfolio; (iv) Approved the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order under sections 239, 240 and 250 of the Highways Act 1980 in respect of the land and rights within the areas shown edged black on drawing CA_02715_010 Rev in report Appendix 2; (v) Authorised the City Solicitor to carry out all preparatory work for the Compulsory Purchase Order (including land referencing), and make and submit the order to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation, preparation for Public Inquiry (if required) and to serve all necessary notices to give effect to the Compulsory Purchase Order and its implementation, including High Court Enforcement Officer Notices and (if granted power to do so) to confirm the Compulsory Purchase Order; (vi) Authorised the Assistant Director Property (Interim) to negotiate and complete the acquisition (and disposal if required) of any interest to facilitate the building of the new highway including easements and drainage in the adjoining land connected to the scheme, in advance of and alongside the confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order and to agree costs and compensation relating to the Compulsory Purchase Order, and authorised the City Solicitor to complete such acquisitions or disposals or easements and seal any documents in connection therewith. To pay statutory home loss, basic loss and negotiate disturbance compensation to all qualifying owners and tenants; (vii) Authorised the City Solicitor to draft and submit for confirmation an Order in accordance with Section 14 and Section 125 of the Highways Act 1980 (or other such similar Orders as may be required) to support the Compulsory Purchase Order; (viii) Authorised the City Solicitor to advertise the loss of Public Open Space within the area shown edged black on the plan at report Appendix 3, in accordance with Section122(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972; (ix) Subject to the Leader being satisfied after consideration of any objections in respect of (viii) above or if no objections are received, approved the appropriation of the open space land under the Open Spaces Act 1906 from Place Directorate to Economy Directorate for Transportation use under the Highways Act 1980; (x) Authorised the City Solicitor to negotiate, execute, seal and complete all necessary documentation to give effect to the above recommendations. THE DEADLINE FOR CALL IN IS 1600 HOURS ON TUESDAY 3 JULY 2018.
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is Decision County Wide:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


(OLD) Ladywood; (OLD) Soho


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Economy, Skills and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 10 of 24.
06/12/2017 11:47:21Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
06/12/2017 11:47:21Janet HinksCommittee AddedCabinet
06/12/2017 11:47:21Janet HinksMeeting Added17/04/2018 10:00AM
06/12/2017 11:47:21Janet HinksOS Committee AddedEconomy, Skills and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee
06/12/2017 11:47:24Janet HinksWorkflow AssignedWorkflow ID 2926125E-ED3F-4B07-A014-9F3F60B5D9AC
06/12/2017 11:48:03Janet HinksWard AddedLadywood
06/12/2017 11:48:03Janet HinksWard AddedSoho
06/12/2017 11:51:57Janet HinksConsultation/Comments Edited 
06/12/2017 11:52:25Janet HinksContacts Edited 
06/12/2017 11:52:33 Status ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]


Workflow ActionUserRequested DateResponse Due DateResponded DateResponseResponse Comment
Approve Janet Hinks Wed 6 Dec 2017 - 11:52 Fri 31 Dec 9999 Wed 6 Dec 2017 - 11:52 Accepted