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Tender Strategy for the provision of Security Services
Include item on Forward Plan
Is Key Decision
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Strategic Director Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 25 Jun 2024

To obtain approval to the strategy and seek authority to proceed with the procurement of a Framework Agreement for Provision of Security Services via the Open Procedure route. The framework agreement will be for a period of 4 years commencing on 1 April 2025. The estimated value of the contract based on historical data is £3m per annum. 

Key Portfolio
Deputy Leader and Economy & Skills
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
------ N/A ------
Reason For Key Decision
Above £500,000 revenue
Relevant Documents
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Other Information
Deputy Leader consultee
Private Reason
3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the council) 
Decision Outcome

On 25 June 2024, Cabinet:-

The Strategic Director for Place, Prosperity & Sustainability in conjunction with the Assistant Director – Procurement (or their delegate), the Interim Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer (or their delegate) and the Interim City Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (or their delegate):

(i)        Approved the contents of the report in order to implement the strategy and the commencement of procurement activity for a Framework Agreement for Provision of Security Services in accordance with the requirement and approach set out in Section 3 of this report;

(ii)       Noted that the outcome of the procurement process will be reported to the Strategic Director for Place, Prosperity & Sustainability in conjunction with the Assistant Director – Procurement (or their delegate), the Interim Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer (or their delegate) and the Interim City Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (or their delegate) who will approve the award of the Framework Agreement for Provision of Security Services;

(iii)      Noted that the award of any call-off contracts will be approved in accordance with the Procurement and Contract Governance Rules/Scheme of Delegations, subject to Section 151 officer prior approval of spend; and

(iv)   Approved the deviation from the tender evaluation weighting for social value set out in the Council’s Social Value Policy March 2023 from 20% down to 10% as justified in in section [] of the report.


Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Acocks Green; Allens Cross; Alum Rock; Aston; Balsall Heath West; Bartley Green; Billesley; Birchfield; Bordesely & Highgate; Bordesely Green; Bournbrook & Selly Park; Bournville & Cotteridge; Brandwood & Kings Heath; Bromford & Hodge Hill; Castle Vale; Druids Heath & Monyhull; Edgbaston; Erdington; Frankley Great Park; Garretts Green; Glebe Farm & Tile Cross; Gravelly Hill; Hall Green North; Hall Green South; Handsworth; Handsworth Wood; Harborne; Heartlands; Highter's Heath; Holyhead; Kings Norton North; Kings Norton South; Kingstanding; Ladywood; Longbridge & West Heath; Lozells; Moseley; Nechells; Newtown; North Edgbaston; Northfield; Oscott; Perry Barr; Perry Common; Pype Hayes; Quinton; Rubery & Rednall; Shard End; Sheldon; Small Heath; Soho & Jewellery Quarter; South Yardley; Sparkbrook & Balsall Heath East; Sparkhill; Stirchley; Stockland Green; Sutton Four Oaks; Sutton Mere Green; Sutton Reddicap; Sutton Roughley; Sutton Trinity; Sutton Vesey; Sutton Walmley & Minworth; Sutton Wylde Green; Tyseley & Hay Mills; Ward End; Weoley & Selly Oak; Yardley East; Yardley West & Stechford


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 9, items 1 to 10 of 90.
11/03/2024 18:28:51Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
11/03/2024 18:28:51Janet HinksCommittee AddedCabinet
11/03/2024 18:28:51Janet HinksMeeting Added14/05/2024 10:00AM
11/03/2024 18:29:29Janet HinksWard AddedAcocks Green
11/03/2024 18:29:29Janet HinksWard AddedAllens Cross
11/03/2024 18:29:29Janet HinksWard AddedAlum Rock
11/03/2024 18:29:29Janet HinksWard AddedAston
11/03/2024 18:29:29Janet HinksWard AddedBalsall Heath West
11/03/2024 18:29:29Janet HinksWard AddedBartley Green
11/03/2024 18:29:29Janet HinksWard AddedBillesley


No history found.