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Langley School – Full Business Case & Contract Award
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Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
To seek approval to the Full Business Case (FBC)
and Contract Award for the capital scheme at Langley School to provide 11
additional pupil places
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Fri 31 Jul 2015
To seek approval to the Full Business Case (FBC) and Contract Award for the capital scheme at Langley School to provide 11 additional pupil places
Key Portfolio
Old - Children’s Wellbeing
Decision Maker
Cabinet Member and Chief Officer
Chief Officer Decision Maker
2 Diamond
Decision Maker:
Councillor Brigid Jones
Decision Outcome
The Cabinet Members for Children’s Services and for Commissioning, Contracting and Improvement, jointly with the Strategic Director, People on 30 July 2015:
1. Approved the Full Business Case (Appendix A) for the capital works at Langley School at a total capital cost of £848,177 which will be funded from the DfE Basic Need Grant;
2. Authorised the Service Director Education and Commissioning to instruct the General Manager of Acivico to place orders with the Constructing West Midlands (CWM) Framework contractor, Thomas Vale Construction up to the value of £693,188 to progress the works on site;
3. Authorised the Service Director Education and Commissioning to place orders with Acivico up to the value of £127,372 for professional services and statutory fees;
4. Noted that loose furniture up to the value of £3,000 for classrooms will be ordered directly by the School using BCC procurement procedures and costs will be reimbursed to them by the Education & Skills Infrastructure (EdSI) Finance Team on production of evidence (paid invoices), which will be verified by the EdSI Team;
5. Authorised the Director of Legal and Democratic Services to negotiate, execute and complete all necessary documents to give effect to the above recommendations.
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Additional Information
Decision Criteria
This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.
(OLD) Sutton Four Oaks
This Decision does not contain any Topic records
Overview and Scrutiny
Education and Vulnerable Children Overview and Scrutiny Committee Mar 15 - May 16
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Decision History
31/07/2015 09:55:57 | Mandeep Marwaha | Business Item Created | |
31/07/2015 09:55:57 | Mandeep Marwaha | OS Committee Added | Education and Vulnerable Children Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
31/07/2015 09:58:00 | Mandeep Marwaha | Ward Added | Sutton Four Oaks |
31/07/2015 09:58:43 | Mandeep Marwaha | Committee Added | Joint Cabinet Member and Chief Officer |
31/07/2015 10:00:55 | Mandeep Marwaha | Committee Removed | Joint Cabinet Member and Chief Officer |
31/07/2015 10:00:58 | Mandeep Marwaha | Committee Added | Joint Executive Member for Local Services and Chief Officer |
31/07/2015 10:01:00 | Mandeep Marwaha | Meeting Added | 31/07/2015 12:00PM |
31/07/2015 10:01:48 | Mandeep Marwaha | Report Added | Document ID 2265: Langley v Final Exec Report_27 07 15 |
31/07/2015 10:02:28 | Mandeep Marwaha | Report Added | Document ID 2266: Langley v Final Exec Report_27 07 15 |
31/07/2015 10:04:07 | Mandeep Marwaha | Report Added | Document ID 2267: Langley v Final Exec Report_27 07 15 |
No history found.