On 13 November 2018, Cabinet:-
(i) Approved the budget consultation document (attached at Appendix 1 to the report;) and noted that formal budget consultation will begin on 13th November 2018, but that some proposals may be subject to different or further consultation when proposals are finalized;
(ii) Noted the aims and objectives of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) which will be presented to Council for approval in February 2019;
(iii) Noted that the report contains draft proposals for reducing cost and generating income that amount to £18.2m in 2019/20;
(iv) Noted that the Executive’s budget proposals for consultation are based on the assumptions detailed within the MTFS and that this includes a Council Tax increase of 4.99%, 2.99% under general powers to increase Council Tax without a referendum and 2.00% Social Care Precept;
(v) Noted that the Executive’s initial budget proposals will impact on staffing and that consultation will be undertaken in line with legislation and the Council’s agreed processes before proposals are implemented;
(vi) Agreed the contents of this report are not subject to call-in. Under the City Council’s Constitution, Section 3 - Meetings Administration, para 3.7- ‘Immediate Decision Implementation’ set out the circumstances under which exemptions from call-in may be made. Specifically, “if the interests of the Council are jeopardised unless an executive decision is implemented immediately then the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader (or Deputy Leader in his/her absence) may designate such executive decision as so urgent that its implementation cannot wait until the expiry of the call-in period.”
S 30(6) Local Government Finance Act 1996 (LGFA) provides that the Council has to set its budget before 11th March each year and it is due to be considered at the Council meeting on 26th February 2019. The Council must begin consultation on the draft budget and savings proposals for 2019/20 – 2022/23 as soon as possible to allow enough time for the Council to consider and respond to feedback from the public in respect of the proposals. A delay in approving the draft Budget Consultation document until December’s Cabinet would leave insufficient time for the Council to undertake and fulfil the legal consultation obligations prior to the approval of the 2019/20 Budget at Council in February.