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Enterprise Zone Programme Management Levy
Include item on Forward Plan
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Strategic Director Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 19 Mar 2024
To seek authority for the extension to the Programme team resources, to support the delivery of the Enterprise Zone and Legacy Programmes. The programme includes a number of key transformational projects. To seek authority to extend and accept Enterprise Zone funding to support delivery of the Enterprise Zone Investment Plan/s.
Chief Officer Decision Maker
------ N/A ------
Place, Prosperity and Sustainability
Decision Outcome
On 19 March 2024, Cabinet:-
- Approved in its capacity as the Council and as Accountable Body for the Enterprise Zone, the provision of up to £5,744,123 funding from ring-fenced EZ Business Rates Uplift Income to wholly cover programme costs for the period from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2028;
- Approved the receipt of the GBSLEP Ltd residual funds, estimated to be £1.8m, at the point of that company’s liquidation and that the management of these funds in accordance with conditions and guidance set by GBSLEP Ltd is subsumed into the existing accountable body role of the council for the Enterprise Zone and Legacy Funds;
- Delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place, Prosperity and Sustainability to take such actions as are necessary to ensure that the correct organisational structure and resources are in place to deliver the outcomes required within the timescales and budgets that have been set in compliance with the Council’s policies and procedures;
- Authorised the City Solicitor to negotiate, execute and seal and complete all necessary agreements and documentation to give effect to the above decisions.
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Additional Information
Decision Criteria
This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.
Bordesely & Highgate; Ladywood; Nechells; Soho & Jewellery Quarter
This Decision does not contain any Topic records
Overview and Scrutiny
Economy and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.
This section displays the history of the Decision.
Decision History
21/08/2023 12:11:17 | Janet Hinks | Business Item Created | |
21/08/2023 12:11:17 | Janet Hinks | Committee Added | Cabinet |
21/08/2023 12:11:17 | Janet Hinks | Meeting Added | 12/12/2023 10:00AM |
21/08/2023 12:12:33 | Janet Hinks | Ward Added | Bordesely & Highgate |
21/08/2023 12:12:33 | Janet Hinks | Ward Added | Ladywood |
21/08/2023 12:12:33 | Janet Hinks | Ward Added | Nechells |
21/08/2023 12:12:33 | Janet Hinks | Ward Added | Soho & Jewellery Quarter |
21/08/2023 12:16:53 | Janet Hinks | OS Committee Added | Economy and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
21/08/2023 12:16:53 | Janet Hinks | OS Committee Added | Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
21/08/2023 12:17:54 | Janet Hinks | Contacts Edited | |
No history found.