Report from Cabinet.
(The remaining time until the close of the meeting at 1915 is allocated)
(1440-1915 inclusive of the break)
(A 30 Minute break will be taken during the debate at approximately 1630 hours).
Council Business Management Committee has passed the following resolution:-
‘That Standing Orders be waived so that, at the beginning of the debate on the 2024/25 Budget Setting report, the remaining time of the City Council meeting to 1915 hours is allocated for the whole debate, permit the Leader of the City Council to make a speech of up to 20 minutes, permit the Leaders of the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Groups to make a speech of up to 20 minutes each, permit the Leader of the Green Group to make a speech of up to 10 minutes, permit the Chair of the Co-Ordinating Overview and Scrutiny Committee to make a speech of up to 10 minutes, permit all other speakers in the debate to speak for up to 5 minutes and permit the Leader of the City Council to reply to the debate up to a maximum of 20 minutes’.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor John Cotton to move the recommendations set out in the document pack at pages 137 to 138.
Members must, in reaching their decision on the Budget recommendations, have due regard to the contents of the 2024/25 Budget Setting report when making decisions about the budget.