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A457 Dudley Road Revised Main Scheme - Full Business Case
Include item on Forward Plan
Is Key Decision
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Director Planning, Transport and Sustainability
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 22 Mar 2022
To approve the FBC delegating authority to deliver the A457 Dudley Road Improvement Scheme – Revised Main Scheme following confirmation of the Levelling Up Fund bid.
Key Portfolio
OLD - Transport and Environment
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision
Will have a significant effect on more than one Ward, > £1m Capital spend/saving
Relevant Documents
A457 Dudley Road Improvement Revised Scheme Update Report (March 2021), A457 Dudley Road Improvement Revised Scheme Outline Business Case (November 2020), 
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:

Places, Prosperity and Sustainability

Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome

On 22 March 2022, Cabinet:-

(i)       Approved the Full Business Case (FBC) for the A457 Dudley Road Improvement Scheme Revised Main Scheme – at a total estimated capital cost of £32.135m, as detailed in Appendix A and shown on the Revised Main Scheme plans in Appendix D of the report, noting that this will replace the preferred option approved by Cabinet in the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the Dudley Road Improvement Scheme on 10 November 2020; 

 (ii)     noted the Revised Main Scheme is split into 3 elements:

• Development of a shelf ready scheme (including previous years expenditure) - £5.515m (already approved)

• Western Road Junction Scheme Phase 1 Advanced Works - £5.147m including revised risk allowance of £0.400m and updated Target Cost value (FBC approved and currently on site)

• Revised Main Scheme Delivery - £21.473m including £19.941m capital funding secured from the Levelling Up Fund bid (approval sought in this FBC); 

(iii)     approved a contribution of £0.250m from the Transportation & Highways Capital Programme (unallocated funding) towards delivery of the Western Road Junction Scheme Phase 1 Advanced Works; 

(iv)     delegated authority to the s151 Officer / Assistant Director, Transport and Connectivity to accept £19.941m from the LUF and to enter into the associated Funding Agreement to facilitate the delivery of the Revised Main Scheme, subject to the final terms and conditions being acceptable; 

(v)      authorised the Assistant Director, Transportation and Connectivity to progress the delivery of highways improvement works for the Revised Main Scheme noting that this will be delivered under the existing design contract awarded to McPhillips (Wellington) Ltd using the Council’s Highways and Infrastructure Works Framework Agreement as part of the Original Scheme approvals already authorised by Cabinet; 

(vi)     delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Property to negotiate and complete the acquisition (and disposal if required) of land, airspace and rights to facilitate the building of the Revised Main Scheme including easements and drainage in the adjoining land connected to the Revised Main Scheme, in advance of any CPO and to agree costs and compensation. The report authorises the Assistant Director of Property Services to pay statutory home loss, basic loss and negotiate disturbance compensation to all qualifying owners and tenants; 

(vii)    authorised the City Solicitor to complete such acquisitions and any necessary related agreements, disposals or easements and seal any documents in connection pursuant to paragraph 2.6 and to pay statutory compensation to all qualifying owners and tenants; 

(viii)    delegated authority to award the contract for demolition and remediation of the MOT garage, Old Windmill PH, 195-201 Dudley Road and properties within the scheme boundaries to the Strategic Director of Place, Prosperity and Sustainability in conjunction the Assistant Director, Procurement (or their delegate), the Director of Council Management (or their delegate) and the Acting City Solicitor (or their delegate) in order to progress the scheme; 

(ix)     delegated authority to the Assistant Director Transportation and Connectivity to place orders with any utility company to allow the works to progress; 

(x)      delegated authority to the Assistant Director Transportation and Connectivity to place orders with McPhillips (Wellington) Ltd under the current contract award to deliver the highways improvement works as previously outlined in the OBC approved on 10 November 2020. In the event of the failure to agree a contract price with McPhillips (Wellington) Ltd, authority is sought to commence a procurement exercise and delegate the award of contract(s) to the Strategic Director of Place, Prosperity and Sustainability in conjunction the Assistant Director, Procurement(or their delegate), the Director of Council Management (or their delegate) and the Acting City Solicitor (or their delegate) to deliver future phases of the Revised Main Scheme in accordance with the strategy in paragraph 7.4 and Appendix G of the report; 

(xi)     authorised the Assistant Director of Transport and Connectivity to complete the transfer of land and dedicate as Highway Maintainable at Public Expense (HMPE) to facilitate the building of the new carriageway, footway including easements and drainage in the adjoining land connected to the Revised Main Scheme and authorised the City Solicitor to complete such acquisition and disposal or easement and seal any documents in connection therewith;

(xii)    authorised the removal of 85 trees to undertake the works and the implementation of the detailed landscape proposal (Appendix N) to mitigate tree loss and allowing for retention of existing trees where realistically possible. These measures will be supplemented by additional high-grade tree planting and landscaping as per the Capital Asset Valuation for Amenity Trees (CAVAT) calculations; 

(xiii)    approved the making of a new CPO for additional land, airspace and rights requirements to implement the A457 Dudley Road Revised Main Scheme under sections 239, 240 and 250 of the Highways Act 1980 as shown on drawings in Appendix K of the report together with any related SRO under Sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980;

(xiv)   approved the making of an order under Section 106 of the Highway Act 1980 or via a licence agreement with the Canal and River Trust to allow the construction and implementation of a new bridge for pedestrian and cycle use over the Spring Hill Canal as part of the Revised Main Scheme. The new footbridge will be created as a public highway for those identified purposes;

(xv)    approved the making of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to facilitate implementation of the Revised Main Scheme as per the nine Delivery Phases detailed in Appendix G of the report and including the Section 116 Stopping Up Order for Hooper Street. This will enable the Spring Hill, Barford Estate, Spring Hill Canal Bridge and Lee Bridge Structural Enhancements to be delivered in advance of the anticipated CPO Decision in autumn / winter 2022. The rephasing of the delivery will provide continuity with the Western Road Junction Phase 1 works and develop a continuous segregated cycle link from Tesco to Western Road;

(xvi)   authorised the Acting City Solicitor (or their delegate) to negotiate, execute, seal, and complete all necessary documentation and take any necessary action to give effect to the above recommendations, including the appointment of land referencers, confirmation of the CPO if granted power to do so by the Secretary of State, and appointment of the High Court Enforcement Officer to secure possession of the land on implementation of the CPO.


Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

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Ladywood; North Edgbaston; Soho & Jewellery Quarter


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Overview and Scrutiny

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This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 10 of 24.
06/07/2021 14:11:44Ghalub Hussain Business Item Created 
06/07/2021 14:11:44Ghalub Hussain Committee AddedCabinet
06/07/2021 14:11:44Ghalub Hussain Meeting Added09/11/2021 10:00AM
06/07/2021 14:12:21Ghalub Hussain Status ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
06/07/2021 14:13:32Ghalub Hussain Ward AddedLadywood
06/07/2021 14:13:32Ghalub Hussain Ward AddedNorth Edgbaston
06/07/2021 14:13:32Ghalub Hussain Ward AddedSoho & Jewellery Quarter
13/09/2021 11:30:54Janet HinksGeneral Details Edited 
13/09/2021 11:31:24Janet HinksMeeting Deleted09/11/2021 10:00AM
13/09/2021 11:31:38Janet HinksMeeting Added14/12/2021 10:00AM


No history found.