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Housing Infrastructure Fund Bids
Include item on Forward Plan
Is Key Decision
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Corporate Director, Economy
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 24 Oct 2017
To seek retrospective approval for submission of bids to the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) for a total amount of £11.4m to assist in the delivery of 1,177 new homes.
Key Portfolio
OLD - Jobs and Skills
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
------ N/A ------
Reason For Key Decision
Above £1m capital
Relevant Documents
Birmingham Development Plan 2031 (Adopted January 2017)
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Other Information
Birmingham Development Plan 2031 (Adopted January 2017)
Private Reason
Decision Outcome
On 24 October 2017, Cabinet:- (i) Retrospectively approved the submission of two bids to the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) Marginal Viability Fund (MVF) totalling £11.4m as a means of supporting the delivery of new housing in the city in East Birmingham (Acocks Green, Former Yardley Sewage Works and Bromford Estate) and Druid’s Heath; (ii) Noted that if successful with this MVF bid, the City Council will be informed in late 2017 or early 2018 at which point a Full Business Case report will be presented for Cabinet approval before any funding is accepted. THE DEADLINE FOR CALL IN IS 1600 HOURS ON MONDAY 30 OCTOBER 2017.
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Not included in the Forward Plan
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


(OLD) Acocks Green; (OLD) Aston; (OLD) Bartley Green; (OLD) Billesley; (OLD) Bordesley Green; (OLD) Bournville; (OLD) Brandwood; (OLD) Edgbaston; (OLD) Erdington; (OLD) Hall Green; (OLD) Handsworth Wood; (OLD) Harborne; (OLD) Hodge Hill; (OLD) Kings Norton; (OLD) Kingstanding; (OLD) Ladywood; (OLD) Longbridge; (OLD) Lozells and East Handsworth; (OLD) Moseley and Kings Heath; (OLD) Nechells; (OLD) Northfield; (OLD) Oscott; (OLD) Perry Barr; (OLD) Quinton; (OLD) Selly Oak; (OLD) Shard End; (OLD) Sheldon; (OLD) Soho; (OLD) South Yardley; (OLD) Sparkbrook; (OLD) Springfield; (OLD) Stechford and Yardley North; (OLD) Stockland Green; (OLD) Sutton Four Oaks; (OLD) Sutton New Hall; (OLD) Sutton Trinity; (OLD) Sutton Vesey; (OLD) Tyburn; (OLD) Washwood Heath; (OLD) Weoley


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Economy, Skills and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 6, items 1 to 10 of 53.
10/10/2017 11:33:40Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
10/10/2017 11:33:40Janet HinksCommittee AddedCabinet
10/10/2017 11:33:40Janet HinksMeeting Added12/12/2017 10:00AM
10/10/2017 11:33:40Janet HinksOS Committee AddedEconomy, Skills and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee
10/10/2017 11:34:21Janet HinksWard AddedAcocks Green
10/10/2017 11:34:21Janet HinksWard AddedAston
10/10/2017 11:34:21Janet HinksWard AddedBartley Green
10/10/2017 11:34:21Janet HinksWard AddedBillesley
10/10/2017 11:34:21Janet HinksWard AddedBordesley Green
10/10/2017 11:34:21Janet HinksWard AddedBournville


No history found.