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Decision Proposed
Use of Household Support Fund for Children Eligible for Free School Meals
Include item on Forward Plan
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of the Director Education and Skills.
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Fri 15 Oct 2021
Key Portfolio
------ N/A ------
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Decision Outcome
Following consultation with the Leaders of the Political Groups, the Chief Executive agreed emergency approval to the decisions below, which needed to be approved and implemented ahead of the next scheduled Cabinet meeting, in line with powers set out at paragraph 6.6 of Part B of the City Council’s Constitution:
2.1 Approved the ordering of free school meal vouchers for eligible families for the October half-term period through Sodexo; and
2.2 Delegated responsibility for the delivery of this to the Interim Director Education and Skills, in conjunction with the Chief Finance Officer via a Single Contractor Negotiation.
NB: THIS DECISION IS NOT SUBJECT TO CALL-IN - paragraph 6.9i of Part B of the Council’s Constitution, Immediate Decision Implementation: “If the interests of the Council are jeopardised unless an executive decision is implemented immediately then the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader (or Deputy Leader in his/her absence) may designate such executive decision as so urgent that its implementation cannot wait until the expiry of the call-in period.”
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Additional Information
Decision Criteria
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Overview and Scrutiny
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Decision History
18/10/2021 09:37:44 | Errol Wilson | Business Item Created | |
18/10/2021 09:37:44 | Errol Wilson | Committee Added | Cabinet |
18/10/2021 09:37:58 | Errol Wilson | Status Changed | Decision Proposed [2] |
18/10/2021 09:46:48 | Errol Wilson | Report Added | Document ID 197233: Use of Household Support Fund |
18/10/2021 09:47:52 | Errol Wilson | Meeting Added | 15/10/2021 12:00AM |
28/10/2021 15:26:09 | Errol Wilson | General Details Edited | |
No history found.