Decision Details

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A34 Walsall to Birmingham Sprint
Include item on Forward Plan/ Key Decision
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Director, Inclusive Growth
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 17 Dec 2019
To seek approval to the Project Definition Document (PDD)/Full Business Case (FBC) for the Walsall to Birmingham Sprint scheme.
Key Portfolio
OLD - Transport and Environment
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision
Capital Expenditure in excess of £1M.
Relevant Documents
Sprint Bus Rapid Transit Network Development and Implementation Strategy’, Report of the Corporate Director Economy to Cabinet, 24th January 2018.
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome

On 17 December 2019, Cabinet:-


(i) Acting on behalf of the City Council in its capacity as Highway Authority, noted the route of the A34 Walsall to Birmingham Sprint scheme and associated measures and approved the Full Business Case as set out in Appendix A to the report, and authorised the Assistant Director Transport and Connectivity in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment to agree the final detail of the scheme with the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), who are acting in their capacity as project promoter and funder;


(ii) Subject to WMCA having the necessary approvals and funding in place, approved the City Council entering into legal agreements with WMCA to allow the works to be carried out on the public highway within Birmingham, and for the legal agreement to be made without a bond being required from WMCA as detailed in paragraph 7.3.2 of the report;


(iii) Approved expenditure of fees and other costs up to a value of £0.650m for the City Council to complete design reviews, legal agreements, traffic regulation orders and site inspections, and agreed to the City Council being reimbursed by WMCA based on actual costs rather than a fixed fee percentage, subject to an agreed cap on overhead rates;


(iv) Noted that following implementation the City Council will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance resulting from the highway works at an estimated cost of £0.024 per year;


(v)   Noted the proposed supply and installation of up to four Bus Lane Enforcement (BLE) cameras at an estimated cost of £0.100m to be funded by WMCA, as set out in Appendix A to the report, and agreed to delegate award of the contract for the cameras and associated equipment to the Interim Director Inclusive Growth in accordance with the procurement strategy set out in Section 7.4.1 of the report;


(vi) Noted that following completion of the scheme the City Council will be responsible for the on-going operation of the BLE activity and the resultant income and expenditure including future maintenance obligations. Further details are given in Appendix A to the report;


(vii) Authorised the discharging of Petition No. 2087 presented to the City Council by Councillor Morriam Jan on 6 November 2018 from residents of Perry Barr in relation to the removal of Perry Barr flyover and the proposed Sprint route, and that Councillor Jan and the first-named petitioner be informed accordingly;


(viii) Authorised the Acting City Solicitor to negotiate, execute, seal and complete all necessary documentation to give effect to the above decisions.



Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is Decision County Wide:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


(OLD) Aston; (OLD) Ladywood; (OLD) Nechells; (OLD) Perry Barr


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Economy, Skills and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.


  1. pdf A34 Walsall to Birmingham Sprint Full Business Case (104Kb)
    1. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix A (278Kb)
    2. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix B (94Kb)
    3. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix C (165Kb)
    4. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix D (625Kb)
    5. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix E (3235Kb)
    6. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix F (1356Kb)
    7. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix G (717Kb)
    8. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 1 of 19 (537Kb)
    9. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 2 of 19 (800Kb)
    10. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 3 of 19 (1234Kb)
    11. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 4 of 19 (625Kb)
    12. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 5 of 19 (621Kb)
    13. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 6 of 19 (772Kb)
    14. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 7 of 19 (755Kb)
    15. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 8 of 19 (917Kb)
    16. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 9 of 19 (750Kb)
    17. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 10 of 19 (432Kb)
    18. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 11 of 19 (451Kb)
    19. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 12 of 19 (712Kb)
    20. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 13 of 19 (567Kb)
    21. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 14 of 19 (500Kb)
    22. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 15 of 19 (630Kb)
    23. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 16 of 19 (555Kb)
    24. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 17 of 19 (535Kb)
    25. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 18 of 19 (773Kb)
    26. pdf Walsall to Birmingham Sprint FBC - Appendix H 19 of 19 (948Kb)

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 5, items 1 to 10 of 47.
20/03/2018 17:10:23Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
20/03/2018 17:10:23Janet HinksCommittee AddedCabinet
20/03/2018 17:10:23Janet HinksMeeting Added26/06/2018 12:00AM
20/03/2018 17:10:23Janet HinksOS Committee AddedEconomy, Skills and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee
20/03/2018 17:10:24Janet HinksWorkflow AssignedWorkflow ID 06B6F2C1-3C32-4A0F-AFFC-25F85DEFC40F
20/03/2018 17:11:01Janet HinksWard AddedAston
20/03/2018 17:11:02Janet HinksWard AddedLadywood
20/03/2018 17:11:02Janet HinksWard AddedNechells
20/03/2018 17:11:02Janet HinksWard AddedPerry Barr
20/03/2018 17:11:43Janet HinksContacts Edited 


Workflow ActionUserRequested DateResponse Due DateResponded DateResponseResponse Comment
Approve Janet Hinks Tue 20 Mar 2018 - 05:14 Fri 31 Dec 9999 Tue 20 Mar 2018 - 05:14 Accepted