This section allows you to view the general details of a Decision
Decision Proposed
Licensing Act 2003 Temporary Event Notice Pimm’s and Gin, The Parade, Sutton Town Centre, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1XX
Include item on Forward Plan
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of the Director of Regulations and Enforcement.
This application is scheduled to be heard at 12:00 pm
The report is to follow.
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Wed 6 Nov 2024
Key Portfolio
------ N/A ------
Decision Maker
Not Applicable
Chief Officer Decision Maker
------ N/A ------
Decision Maker:
Licensing Sub-Committee C
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Additional Information
Decision Criteria
This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.
This Decision does not contain any Ward records.
This Decision does not contain any Topic records
Overview and Scrutiny
This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.
This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.
This section displays the history of the Decision.
Decision History
01/11/2024 11:45:56 | Errol Wilson | Business Item Created | |
01/11/2024 11:45:56 | Errol Wilson | Committee Added | Licensing Sub-Committee C |
01/11/2024 11:45:56 | Errol Wilson | Meeting Added | 06/11/2024 10:00AM |
01/11/2024 11:46:12 | Errol Wilson | Status Changed | Decision Scheduled [1] |
01/11/2024 11:51:10 | Errol Wilson | General Details Edited | |
01/11/2024 12:30:51 | Errol Wilson | General Details Edited | |
01/11/2024 12:31:20 | Errol Wilson | Meeting Deleted | 06/11/2024 10:00AM |
01/11/2024 12:31:27 | Errol Wilson | Meeting Added | 06/11/2024 12:00PM |
01/11/2024 12:41:32 | Errol Wilson | Status Changed | Decision Proposed [2] |
04/11/2024 11:28:31 | Bhapinder Nandhra | Report Added | Document ID 270962: Alison Chambers TA Pimms & Gins Sutton Coldfield Xmas Market - Multiple TENS |
No history found.