Decision Details

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Decision Confirmed
Towards a Combined Authority
Include item on Forward Plan/ Key Decision
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
(25 minutes allocated)

The Leader to move the following Motion:

"1  Note the draft report of the Governance Review which has reviewed the proposed area and assessed the functional economy (Appendix 1).

2  Approve the current draft scheme which is being considered by Councils who will form the Combined Authority (Appendix 2).

3  Authorise the Council Leader and the Chief Executive to agree the version of the scheme for the establishment of a CA which will be submitted to Government for consideration in October.

4  To note that the final proposal to establish a West Midlands Combined Authority will be presented to Full Council in April 2016."
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 15 Sep 2015
This report outlines progress on developing a Combined Authority (CA) and the current draft proposed “scheme” ahead of submission to Government and seeks approval for the Leader of the Council to agree the final scheme to be submitted to Government for their consideration in October.
Key Portfolio
OLD - Jobs and Skills
Decision Maker
Not Applicable
Chief Officer Decision Maker
1 Diamond
Reason For Key Decision
Relevant Documents
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Meeting of the City Council
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome
Motion agreed.
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is Decision County Wide:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


This Decision does not contain any Ward records.


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 10 of 25.
07/09/2015 11:23:33Janet HinksBusiness Item Created 
07/09/2015 11:23:33Janet HinksCommittee AddedCity Council
07/09/2015 11:23:33Janet HinksMeeting Added03/11/2015 2:00PM
07/09/2015 11:24:04Janet HinksMeeting Deleted03/11/2015 2:00PM
07/09/2015 11:24:06Janet HinksMeeting Added15/09/2015 2:00PM
07/09/2015 11:26:08Janet HinksStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
07/09/2015 11:27:13Janet HinksContacts Edited 
07/09/2015 11:30:27Janet HinksConsultation/Comments Edited 
07/09/2015 11:30:27Janet HinksContacts Edited 
07/09/2015 11:30:52Janet HinksConsultation/Comments Edited 


No history found.