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Alexander Stadium Outline Business Case - Phase 2 Legacy
Include item on Forward Plan
Is Key Decision
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet

Report of Acting Director - Neighbourhoods.

Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 11 Feb 2020
An Outline Business Case is required for the development of Alexander Stadium that identifies a viable long term community legacy for the Alexander Stadium site and the wider Perry Park following the delivery of the Commonwealth Games in 2022.
Key Portfolio
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
Reason For Key Decision
Capital spend over £1m
Relevant Documents
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome
On 11 February 2020, Cabinet:- (i) Approved the Outline Business Case included at Appendix 1 to the report; (ii) Noted the intention to submit formal bids for funding contributions to the overall costs of the works; (iii) Approved the submission of an application to Sport England for a grant for £2 million from their Strategic Facilities Fund for the provision of improvement community sports leisure facilities; (iv) Approved in principle for the closure, demolition and disposal of Beeches Pool and Fitness Centre with a replacement facility to be provided at the Stadium site, subject to public consultation. Subject to a future full business case Cabinet report; (v) Approved, in principle in addition to (iv) above, that should the disposal and replacement of Beeches Pool and Fitness Centre be agreeable, that the capital receipt from the disposal is ringfenced to support the demolition costs and laying out of the land; (vi) Approved the funding of £5 million of Council resources to support the development of the investment and £0.5 million of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) subject to such funding becoming available; (vii) Agreed to delegate to the Director, Neighbourhoods authority to make bids for and accept subsequent offers of funding from any other organisations or funders that may be identified as appropriate contributors to the costs of the proposed works, subject to any funding conditions attached to the funding offers being acceptable; (viii) Noted, following publication of the wider Perry Barr masterplan, the requirement and submission of planning application(s) necessary for the delivery of the proposed investment around Q3 2021; (ix) Agreed to delegate to the Director, Inclusive Growth authority to negotiate and agree the terms of lease agreements for the occupation of commercial space in and around the stadium and park to help secure the legacy of the stadium post-Games; (x) Authorised the City Solicitor (or delegate) to execute and complete all legal documentation necessary to implement the above decisions. THE DEADLINE FOR CALL IN IS 1600 HOURS ON MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2020.
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


Perry Barr


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 20.
01/11/2019 15:25:33Lynda Parchment Business Item Created 
01/11/2019 15:25:33Lynda Parchment Committee AddedCabinet
01/11/2019 15:25:33Lynda Parchment Meeting Added21/01/2020 10:00AM
01/11/2019 15:25:34Lynda Parchment Workflow AssignedWorkflow ID 00E62BF1-5ED4-481C-934D-24E27A5D20DC
01/11/2019 15:26:37Lynda Parchment Ward AddedPerry Barr
01/11/2019 15:29:28Lynda Parchment Consultation/Comments Edited 
01/11/2019 15:31:05Lynda Parchment Contacts Edited 
01/11/2019 15:31:46Lynda Parchment OS Committee AddedResources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
01/11/2019 15:31:57 Status ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
18/12/2019 10:26:02Yvonne Hathaway Meeting Deleted21/01/2020 10:00AM


Workflow ActionUserRequested DateResponse Due DateResponded DateResponseResponse Comment
Approve Lynda Parchment Fri 1 Nov 2019 - 03:31 Fri 31 Dec 9999 Fri 1 Nov 2019 - 03:31 Accepted