Decision Details

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Decision Proposed
Scrutiny of Delivery of 2023/24 Budget Savings and Update on Council’s Response to Section 114 Notice and Financial Recovery Plan
Include item on Forward Plan/ Key Decision
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet

This report sets out the red, amber, green (RAG) rated savings for 2023/24 and provides an opportunity to consider progress on delivery of savings during Quarter 2 and 3.


This item also provides an opportunity to consider the implications of recent events (highlighted in Section 1) on the future scrutiny work programme.


Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Fri 13 Oct 2023
Key Portfolio
------ N/A ------
Decision Maker
Not Applicable
Chief Officer Decision Maker
------ N/A ------
Reason For Key Decision
Relevant Documents
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Co-ordinating Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is Decision County Wide:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


This Decision does not contain any Ward records.


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 10 of 10.
04/10/2023 12:32:57Edmund BrownBusiness Item Created 
04/10/2023 12:32:57Edmund BrownCommittee AddedCo-ordinating Overview and Scrutiny Committee
04/10/2023 12:32:57Edmund BrownMeeting Added13/10/2023 10:00AM
04/10/2023 12:33:09Edmund BrownStatus ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
04/10/2023 12:35:36Edmund BrownReport AddedDocument ID 237106: FINAL Cover Rpt Scrutiny of Delivery of 2023.24 Savings Council's Response to S114 Notice Financial Recovery Plan_October 23
04/10/2023 12:35:43Edmund BrownReport AddedDocument ID 237107: FINAL Cover Rpt Scrutiny of Delivery of 2023.24 Savings Council's Response to S114 Notice Financial Recovery Plan_October 23
05/10/2023 12:41:37Edmund BrownGeneral Details Edited 
05/10/2023 12:52:06Edmund BrownGeneral Details Edited 
05/10/2023 13:02:14Edmund BrownStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
06/10/2023 15:13:22Edmund BrownGeneral Details Edited 


No history found.