This section allows you to view the general details of a Decision
Decision Proposed
Declaration of Interests
Include item on Forward Plan
Item Contains Exempt/Private Reports
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Members are reminded that they must declare all relevant pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests relating to any items of business to be discussed at this meeting. If a pecuniary interest is declared a Member must not speak or take part in that agenda item. Any declarations will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Wed 12 Jul 2017
Key Portfolio
Social Justice, Community, Safety, and Equalities
Chief Officer Decision Maker
------ N/A ------
Decision Maker:
Schools, Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Additional Information
Decision Criteria
This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.
This Decision does not contain any Ward records.
This Decision does not contain any Topic records
Overview and Scrutiny
This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.
This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.
The Decision does not contain any reports.
This section displays the history of the Decision.
Decision History
05/07/2017 11:24:54 | Louisa Nisbett | Business Item Created | |
05/07/2017 11:24:54 | Louisa Nisbett | Committee Added | Schools, Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
05/07/2017 11:24:54 | Louisa Nisbett | Meeting Added | 13/09/2017 2:00PM |
05/07/2017 11:26:01 | Louisa Nisbett | Status Changed | Decision Proposed [2] |
05/07/2017 12:05:35 | Louisa Nisbett | Meeting Added | 12/07/2017 2:00PM |
05/07/2017 12:05:40 | Louisa Nisbett | Meeting Deleted | 13/09/2017 2:00PM |
No history found.