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Housing Clearance Programme
Include item on Forward Plan/ Key Decision
Urgent Decision - Not in Forward Plan
Details for Agenda Sheet
Report of Strategic Director of Economy
Implementation Date (not before meeting on)
Tue 14 Feb 2017
To outline the approach that the Economy Directorate wish to take in tackling obsolescence in the housing stock and seek Cabinet approval to clear obsolete stock over the next 6 years. To advise Cabinet of the financial savings to the HRA to be achieved by the declaration of clearance of 1279 properties and how this supports the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan. To outline how the clearance proposals support wider strategic plans for Kings Norton and Druids Heath. To outline how the strategic removal of a small number of properties in Ward End will enable the development of future new-build schemes on adjacent land. To outline how replacement of obsolete stock with new high quality homes can better meet the housing aspirations of the people of Birmingham. To seek approval for the acquisition of the private properties identified for clearance including the use of Compulsory Purchase Order Powers if necessary. To seek approval to the Full Business Case
Key Portfolio
OLD - Jobs and Skills
Decision Maker
Chief Officer Decision Maker
1 Diamond
Reason For Key Decision
over £500,000 revenue
Relevant Documents
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Other Information
Private Reason
Decision Outcome
(i) Approved the acquisition of 106 privately owned dwellings and the clearance of 1,175 dwellings, as set out in the Full Business Case, detailed in APPENDIX 1 of the report; (ii) authorised the use of compulsory purchase orders (CPO) to acquire such land as is necessary within the areas identified in the plans in APPENDIX 3 of the report, such powers to be exercised under either Section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 or Section 226 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as appropriate for the developments which the CPO will be required to implement; (iii) delegated to the Acting Strategic Director of Economy and the Cabinet Member Housing and Homes, approval to authorise the acquisition under section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 or section 226 (1) (a) Town and Country Planning Act 1990, of any third party interests within the areas identified in the plans in Appendix 3 of the report; (iv) authorised the Acting Strategic Director of Place to cease lettings and commence the priority rehousing from properties identified in APPENDIX 3 of the report; (v) noted that the procurement of such contracts as are needed to undertake clearance of the properties included in the report will follow in due course; (vi) authorised the Director of Property to pay statutory and discretionary Home Loss payments and negotiate disturbance compensation to qualifying tenants and home owners; (vii) authorised the City Solicitor to serve Initial Demolition Notices on the Council tenants residing in the properties identified in APPENDIX 2 of the report, based on the intention to demolish and to serve Final Demolition Notices and comply with all associated statutory requirements; (viii) authorised the City Solicitor to take any steps/enter legal agreements needed to bring the above into effect including, but not limited, to: negotiate, execute and complete all necessary legal documentation to give effect to the above recommendations, and in relation to any in principle CPO, to carry out preparatory work (including land referencing) required prior to the making of such an order.
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is Decision County Wide:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Options:

Additional Information

Reg 10
Reg 11

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


(OLD) Brandwood; (OLD) Kings Norton; (OLD) Sparkbrook; (OLD) Sutton Trinity; (OLD) Washwood Heath


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

Housing and Homes Overview and Scrutiny Committee May 16 - April 18

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 10 of 23.
18/11/2016 11:04:12Dave ArnoldBusiness Item Created 
18/11/2016 11:04:12Dave ArnoldCommittee AddedCabinet
18/11/2016 11:04:12Dave ArnoldMeeting Added24/01/2017 10:00AM
18/11/2016 11:04:12Dave ArnoldOS Committee AddedHousing and Homes Overview and Scrutiny Committee
18/11/2016 11:04:15Dave ArnoldWorkflow AssignedWorkflow ID D52EB345-8C96-4E33-9992-9F058E20EEE3
18/11/2016 11:04:32 Status ChangedDecision Scheduled [1]
18/11/2016 11:09:39Dave ArnoldWard AddedBrandwood
18/11/2016 11:09:40Dave ArnoldWard AddedKings Norton
18/11/2016 11:09:40Dave ArnoldWard AddedSparkbrook
18/11/2016 11:09:40Dave ArnoldWard AddedSutton Trinity


Workflow ActionUserRequested DateResponse Due DateResponded DateResponseResponse Comment
Approve Dave Arnold Fri 18 Nov 2016 - 11:04 Fri 31 Dec 9999 Fri 18 Nov 2016 - 11:04 Accepted