Officer Delegated Decisions taken under the Emergency Plan

Committee Details
The Council activated its emergency plan in response to the Covid-19 outbreak on 18 March 2020. As a result of this, emergency Covid-19 decisions have been made in accordance with the Emergency Plan and in line with the Council’s Constitution, therefore, normal reporting and decision-making rules have changed and do not apply. The Council’s Emergency Plan and the Constitution adopts the Strategic / Tactical / Operational Command and Control structure, this is a nationally adopted framework by all emergency response organisations. The command and control structure ensures a joined-up approach to emergencies at various scales and provides Officers with wide delegations to make decisions at pace as we respond to the developing situation. It has always been the intention to publish key decisions taken during this emergency response, however whilst the Council has been dealing with the need to continually respond to the crisis as it develops, it was not reasonably practicable to publish all decisions taken at that time. We are now in a position where we are able to publish a log of the decisions taken by the Council during the emergency response. This section sets out the decisions taken by Council Officers using emergency decision-making authority during that period to ensure that Birmingham’s citizens and businesses have been, and continue to be, kept safe and supported over this time. Decisions continue to be taken on a daily basis and the Covid-19 decision log will be updated on a weekly basis to reflect new decisions and information. For further information on Council spend over £500 please see attached link on Covid / non – Covid decisions.
30 June 2020 - onwards
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There are no elected members on the specified date for this committee.

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